Author: Torbjorn Zetterlund

  • A Poem: About AI and climate change

    A Poem: About AI and climate change

    In a world of constant change, where challenges abound, There is one issue that looms, with a weight that can astound. Climate change, a threat, that affects us all, With consequences dire, if we don’t hear its call. But from the depths of technology, a glimmer of hope shines, A solution that could help, and…

  • A poem: About programming your solution

    A poem: About programming your solution

    In the days of old, there were fewer IT systems, a simpler time, Where solutions were straightforward, and troubles were easily aligned. But as technology advanced, and businesses grew, The systems multiplied, and the chaos ensued. With multiple platforms, and endless integrations, The complexity grew, and caused frustration. For every new software, brought with it…

  • A Poem: Climate Change Greenwashing

    A Poem: Climate Change Greenwashing

    And yet, despite our best intentions, there’s one thing that remains, A threat that looms above us all, a cause for our disdain. It’s the changing of our planet, and the toll it takes on earth, A fight against the forces that are causing it so much hurt. We cannot simply talk about it, or…

  • En dikt: Climate Change Greenwashing

    En dikt: Climate Change Greenwashing

    Och ändå, trots våra bästa avsikter, finns det en sak som återstår, Ett hot som vilar över oss alla, en orsak till vårt förakt. Det är förändringen av vår planet, och den vägtull den tar på jorden, En kamp mot de krafter som orsakar det så mycket ont. Vi kan inte bara prata om det,…

  • Ein Gedicht: Klimawandel Greenwashing

    Ein Gedicht: Klimawandel Greenwashing

    Und doch, trotz unserer besten Absichten, gibt es eine Sache, die bleibt: Eine Bedrohung, die über uns allen schwebt, eine Ursache für unsere Verachtung. Es ist die Veränderung unseres Planeten und der Tribut, den er auf der Erde fordert, ein Kampf gegen die Kräfte, die ihm so viel Schmerz zufügen. Wir können nicht einfach darüber…

  • A Poem: About Organisational Change

    A Poem: About Organisational Change

    Organizational change, a time of great despair, A season of uncertainty, with feelings so rare. For downsizing is the word that echoes in the halls, And everyone is wondering, who will be the first to fall. The rumors start to spread, and fear begins to grow, As the news of cuts and layoffs, slowly starts…

  • 6 Ways to Improve the Online Payment Experience for Your Customers

    6 Ways to Improve the Online Payment Experience for Your Customers

    More shoppers now than ever do all of their shopping online, whether it be home appliances, clothing, things for their pets, medicine, or even groceries that are not being purchased online. This is only going to continue as shopping becomes easier. If you’re running e-commerce, you already know the importance of making the shopping experience…

  • Ein Gedicht: Über Altersdiskriminierung und Frauenfeindlichkeit

    Altersdiskriminierung und Frauenfeindlichkeit sind zwei Plagen unserer Zeit, die uns unserer Würde berauben und unsere Vernunft und unseren Reim trüben. Denn einige werden nach ihrem Alter beurteilt und ihnen wird gesagt, dass sie ihre besten Jahre verloren haben, ihre Weisheit, Fähigkeiten und ihr Wissen, die alle als Verbrechen angesehen werden. Während andere allein aufgrund des…

  • Een gedicht: Over ageisme en vrouwenhaat

    Ageisme en vrouwenhaat zijn twee plagen van onze tijd, die ons beroven van onze waardigheid en onze rede en rijm vertroebelen. Want sommigen worden beoordeeld op hun leeftijd en verteld dat ze hun hoogtepunt hebben verloren, hun wijsheid, vaardigheden en kennis, allemaal beschouwd als een misdaad. Terwijl anderen worden gekleineerd op basis van geslacht alleen,…

  • A poem: About ageism and misogyny

    A poem: About ageism and misogyny

    Ageism and misogyny, are two plagues of our time, That rob us of our dignity and cloud our reason and rhyme. For some are judged by their age, and told they’ve lost their prime, Their wisdom, skills and knowledge, all considered a crime. While others are belittled based on gender alone, Their worth and value…