Torbjorn Zetterlund: a blog about data and technology.

  • A Poem: The Irony of Progress

    A Poem: The Irony of Progress

    Once in the forest, dark and deep, The trees were felled, no soul did weep, The earth was stripped, and the land laid bare, But no one seemed to really care. Yet when a windmill stood up tall, To harness wind, to power all, The cries of protest filled the air, As if some dark…

  • A Poem: Du Hast by Rammstein

    A Poem: Du Hast by Rammstein

    Du Hast by Rammstein, a song that’s bold, With lyrics that are simple, yet so powerful and bold. It speaks of love and loyalty, of trust and broken ties, And its energy and passion, can help ignite the skies. It speaks of the pain that it can bring, And it’s a reminder, that sometimes, the…

  • Rethinking Freedom: From Individualism to Collective Well-Being

    Rethinking Freedom: From Individualism to Collective Well-Being

    Rethinking how taxes are structured and collected is essential for creating a fairer society. Progressive taxation, where the wealthy pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than those with lower incomes, is a way to address the current wealth inequality. Eliminating tax breaks and loopholes that benefit the wealthy is another necessary step.…

  • A Poem: About a songs connection to time

    A Poem: About a songs connection to time

    A song can hold such power, to transport us back in time, To a place where memories are made, and moments are sublime. And for a woman, a song can hold a special place in her heart, A connection to a moment,that will never truly depart. For it may be a song that played, on…

  • A Poem: The Limitations of Agile – A Deeper Look

    A Poem: The Limitations of Agile – A Deeper Look

    Agile development, a buzzword so grand, Promising benefits, a modern demand. But is it all good? Is it all grand? Let’s look deeper and try to understand. Tech work, poorly understood by the business crew, Leads to overstaffed teams, and tasks askew. Lack of understanding of what it all entails, Results in bloating tasks and…

  • Living Free: The Illusion of Freedom in Today’s Society

    Living Free: The Illusion of Freedom in Today’s Society

    In theory, living free sounds like an idyllic way of life. It means making choices without the constraints of external forces, whether it be the government or societal expectations. It means having the power to spend your money as you see fit, without restrictions or limitations. However, this concept of freedom is more of an…

  • A Poem: The Silhouette of Her Back

    A Poem: The Silhouette of Her Back

    In her hair was woven the sunset’s glow Like the fiery tresses of Nicole Kidman’s show Her beauty was a sight to behold Ingrid Bergman’s elegance with a touch of gold. She stole my heart with her warmth and fire, But I failed to kindle her desire We took a boat ride on the shimmering…

  • En Dikt: Silhuetten av hennes rygg

    En Dikt: Silhuetten av hennes rygg

    I hennes hår var solnedgångens sken vävt, Som Nicole Kidmans eldiga hår förtjät, Hennes skönhet var syn att skåda, Ingrid Bergmans elegans med en touch av guld. Hon stal mitt hjärta med sin värme och eld, Men jag lyckades inte tända hennes begär. Vi tog en båttur på sjön som skimrade, Och i hennes närvaro…

  • Ein Gedicht: Über eine Entschuldigung an zukünftige Generationen

    Ein Gedicht: Über eine Entschuldigung an zukünftige Generationen

    O zukünftige Generationen, hört meine Bitte, hört genau zu, was ich euch zu sagen habe. Wir, die Menschen der Vergangenheit, haben einen schweren Fehler gemacht, Wir haben die Erde leiden lassen, um unseretwillen. Mit Gier und Unwissenheit nahmen und nahmen wir und ignorierten die Konsequenzen der Entscheidungen, die wir trafen, und den Weg, den wir…

  • Een gedicht: Over een verontschuldiging aan toekomstige generaties

    Een gedicht: Over een verontschuldiging aan toekomstige generaties

    O toekomstige generaties, hoor mijn smeekbede, Luister goed naar wat ik u te zeggen heb. Wij, de mensen uit het verleden, hebben een ernstige fout gemaakt, Wij hebben de Aarde laten lijden, omwille van onszelf. Met hebzucht en onwetendheid namen en namen we, de consequenties negerend, van de keuzes die we maakten en het pad…