Torbjorn Zetterlund

Fri 24 2023

A Poem: The Silhouette of Her Back

by bernt & torsten

In her hair was woven the sunset’s glow
Like the fiery tresses of Nicole Kidman’s show
Her beauty was a sight to behold
Ingrid Bergman’s elegance with a touch of gold.

She stole my heart with her warmth and fire,
But I failed to kindle her desire
We took a boat ride on the shimmering lake
And in her presence, my heart did ache.

As we walked away from the Boatclub,
My heart was heavy, my mind in a foggy hub.
The silhouette of her back in jeans and leather
is A memory I’ll cherish forever and ever.

She was a hot and rare beauty,
A flame that flickered with grace and care.
Though our paths may never cross again
In my heart, she’ll forever remain.
