Torbjorn Zetterlund

Thu 30 2023

A Poem: About a songs connection to time

by bernt & torsten

A song can hold such power,
to transport us back in time,
To a place where memories are made,
and moments are sublime.

And for a woman,
a song can hold a special place in her heart,
A connection to a moment,
that will never truly depart.

For it may be a song that played,
on a warm summer’s night,
When she danced with her first love,
and everything felt just right.

Or it may be a song that brings,
a tear to her eye,
A reminder of a time,
when she said goodbye.

But no matter what the memory,
the song remains the same,
A connection to a moment,
that will always be claimed.

For a song is more than just notes,
and lyrics to be sung,
It’s a tapestry of emotions,
a story that’s woven and strung.

And for a woman,
a song can be a friend,
in her hour of need,
A comfort in the dark,
a light in a time of greed.

So whenever she hears a song,
that takes her back in time,
She is filled with joy and sadness,
and the memories that are there.
