Tag: WordPress

  • How to setup a MySql replication database for WordPress

    How to setup a MySql replication database for WordPress

    WordPress uses MySql database to store all the plugin options, theme options, your pages, your posts, users and comments, with more visitors your site need to be able to scale or in my case, I had user spikes (increased traffic) that took out the connection to MySql, as memory on the server was used up.…

  • Upgrading CiviCRM for WordPress

    So you need to update your CiviCRM for your WordPress to the latest stable version, so you can take advantage of bug fixes and new features. These are the steps that I followed to upgrade CiviCRM from 4.3 to 4.5 for my WordPress blog – I hope it will help you.

  • How I connected my Evernote with my WordPress blog

    How I connected my Evernote with my WordPress blog

    When I’m on a run or a long bike ride, ideas come to me, I can’t really stop to take notes each time an idea comes to me, it would interrupt my exercise too much. I have been looking for a toolset that could help me, so I started with defining my requirements – which…

  • Transfer Your WordPress Content from WP to Another WP

    Transfer Your WordPress Content from WP to Another WP

    Sometimes you may need to transfer, or copy, the content of one WordPress blog to another. WordPress is equipped with a feature that allows for this to take place seamlessly and almost effortlessly – just another benefit of WordPress. Content can be the entire blog, posts only, pages only, or contact forms. The steps are essentially…

  • Setting up CiviCRM with WordPress

    Setting up CiviCRM with WordPress

    If you are in the market for a good constituent Open Source CRM, I recommend CiviCRM. In this blog post, I will explain how to install CiviCRM for WordPress. Here are the steps that I followed to install CiviCRM for WordPress. Download WordPress and install it on your server Download CiviCRM for WordPress  Unzip the downloaded civicrm-4.5.2-wordpress zip…

  • Launching a WordPress Website – do not forget

    Launching a WordPress Website – do not forget

    You launched your WordPress-powered website. You carefully chose a theme, you have dug into the Settings menu inside the WordPress Dashboard make sure you did not overlook these settings.

  • Configure CiviCRM for WordPress

    Configure CiviCRM for WordPress

    Once CiviCRM has been installed, you should review the initial configuration tasks which allow you to customize CiviCRM for your organization.