Tag: Linux

  • How to get SSL working on MAMP for OS X

    How to get SSL working on MAMP for OS X

    I’m doing a fair deal of development in the area of RESTFul API  features, all of which use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to ensure the security of personal information being transmitted over the internet.

  • How To Install Varnish + Memcached to improve your WordPress page load speed

    How To Install Varnish + Memcached to improve your WordPress page load speed

    When website traffic grows to see an increase in traffic, one of the components that shows stress the fastest is the backend database. If your database is not distributed and configured to handle high loads, it can easily be overwhelmed by a relatively modest increase in traffic. Using the Varnish + Memcached combination I can offload…

  • How to speed up page load for your WordPress blog

    How to speed up page load for your WordPress blog

    As part of launching a new WordPress website, you need to do some optimization from the standard installation and give your WordPress improved performance improve page loads. There are a number of ways you can do this, I will in this article take you through the options that are available to you. There might be…

  • How to configure .htaccess redirects based on Geo IP

    How to configure .htaccess redirects based on Geo IP

    Recently I had a request, asking how can we set up redirects by country to have country-specific landing pages. This can be done by installing mod_geoip, you can download GeoIP legacy Apache module from GITHUB – compile the source on your environment and configure. Or you could install from a repository.

  • How To Safely Rename a Database in MySql

    How To Safely Rename a Database in MySql

    So you want to Safely Rename your MySql Database, here is a tip on how to do it. If you do not have phpmyadmin installed on your server, then below are the steps to safely rename a MySql database.

  • How to setup a MySql replication database for WordPress

    How to setup a MySql replication database for WordPress

    WordPress uses MySql database to store all the plugin options, theme options, your pages, your posts, users and comments, with more visitors your site need to be able to scale or in my case, I had user spikes (increased traffic) that took out the connection to MySql, as memory on the server was used up.…

  • So you want to monitor your MySql replication database

    So you want to monitor your MySql replication database

    You have configured your MySql replication, the next step is to perform maintenance and monitor your replication. Percona Toolkit for MySQL is a collection of advanced command-line tools to perform a variety of MySQL server and system tasks.

  • Basic Python RESTful Server bridging PHP with Python

    Basic Python RESTful Server bridging PHP with Python

    I run into an issue recently, I got a use case to connect to the Luminoso service using their API, Luminoso has an Authentication library in Python, my backend server is written in PHP.

  • How to use the linux tar command

    If you looking at creating a “zip” archive file under Linux, the command to use is tar. To create an archive using tar, use a command like this, which bundles all the files in the current directory that end with .c into the sourcefiles.tar file: tar cvf sourcefiles.tar *.c Achieving a directory, that creates a…

  • Linux commands you need to know

    pwd Print working directory, i.e., display the name of my current directory on the screen. hostname Print the name of the local host (the machine on which I am working). Use netconf (as root) to change the name of the machine. whoami Print my login name.id username Print user id (uid) and his/her group id (gid), effective…