Tag: Github

  • Migrate from subversion to git easy guide

    Migrate from subversion to git easy guide

    Today I have been working on a project, to migrate subversion (often abbreviated svn) to git. git and svn are open-source distributed software versioning and revision control system.

  • GIT the easy guide

    GIT the easy guide

    It seems the people that I work has different views on how to use git, so I decide to put together a git starter git that hopefully can help others to get started to grow the knowledge of git.

  • Rolling git merge back to normal

    Rolling git merge back to normal

    I have been using git for a while and I messed up a few times, especially on what branch I’m on and merging branches. The other day, I had checked out a branch and did some changes to my code, when I was done I wanted to merge the changes to the master.

  • How to work with Git tag

    How to work with Git tag

    I have put this information about git tags together, mostly so I do the right thing when I work with Git Repositories. It might be helpful information for anyone working with git.

  • How to rollback your Git repository

    How to rollback your Git repository

    Working with WordPress we do all the upgrades on our development environment and push the changes to the repro. From the repro when then do a pull to update the clients staging host, we did a full test both manual and automatic.

  • How to merge two Github Repositories into one new master branch

    How to merge two Github Repositories into one new master branch

    I run into an issue recently with my co-developer, we had created to repos, we needed to merge the two repos. We are using Github as our main repository, and the first step we would need to do was to find the difference between the two repos, on GitHub, it’s not possible to compare two unrelated…

  • Git: Pushing your code to two different source code control system using Github client

    Git: Pushing your code to two different source code control system using Github client

    Depending on who I work with, I get requests sometimes to push code not only to my working GitHub account but also to the client’s account. I’m using the Github client to update from my local machine to the Github repository, what do you do if you need to push code to another source code…