Category: My Work

  • Were did the word patch a bug come from

    Were did the word patch a bug come from

    It goes back to the good old age when writing programing code was created on a punch card then to fix a bug they just closed a punch hole with tape hence the word patch.

  • AI And Brand Marketing

    AI And Brand Marketing

    AI and brand marketing is a mixture of words that you might not have imagined in the same sentence some twenty years ago.

  • You are entitled to say no to online marketing

    You are entitled to say no to online marketing

    You and I are the commodities of the new economy, or rather the information we leave behind on the web. As of 25th May, the EU’s new data protection regulation, named GDPR, is enforced throughout the EU. We have now been given the right to decide on our digital footprint.

  • WordPress: facts about a great content management tool

    WordPress: facts about a great content management tool

    There have been a lot of innovations in computer applications that are used for content management in order to make it easier for people to create and modify digital content. A lot of systems have been created, but WordPress is definitely the most commonly used tool in the world. Today, a lot of interesting facts…

  • Scale your Remote Teams

    Scale your Remote Teams

    Today businesses of all sizes all over the world are benefiting from a remote talent revolution. What driving this trend, is the fact that scaling with a virtual team is easier and more cost-effective than growing with in-house employees.

  • Interesting Developer insights from Stackoverflow 2018 survey

    Not sure if you saw it, Stackoverflow has released its annual developer survey result. This year, over 100,000 developers participated in the Stackoverflow survey and told Stackoverflow how they learn, build their careers, which tools they’re using, and what they want in a job.

  • You want to get a head start on Machine Learning and AI

    You want to get a head start on Machine Learning and AI

    You can not have avoided having read about Machine Learning (ML) in the news, many so-called “experts” predict that it will change the world. Many organizations are jumping onboard machine learning, to get better insights from their organizational data, to be able to predict the future of the organization.

  • Google Cloud Storage for your WordPress Media files

    Google Cloud Storage for your WordPress Media files

    I wrote an article recently on how to set up your WordPress site on the Google App Engine. In this article, I like to give you more information on how to set up your image storage for your App Engine WordPress website using the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Storage and how to configure the WordPress…

  • How to hold people accountable on your team

    How to hold people accountable on your team

    As my career in Tech has gone on since the early 1980s, I like to share a few experiences I have learned. Today I like to share with you my experience in leading teams and specifically on how to hold people accountable on your team.