Torbjorn Zetterlund

Thu 30 2022

You Need WordPress – Here are 5 Reasons Why

by bernt & torsten

One of the most popular open source Content Management Systems in the world is WordPress. Almost every business out there uses a CMS for their blog and their website in general and WordPress is the most popular option because of its free install and upgrade capabilities. There are thousands of templates and plugins that power WordPress and so it’s easy to turn to as an option for your site. 

Whether you use a WordPress website development agency or you choose to manage it yourself, you need to consider WordPress as your best option for your business website. The amount of information out there about it is huge, but you should ensure that you are using the right information for your particular business type. Below, we have got five reasons you need to have WordPress in your business!

  1. It’s the most popular CMS across the world. You’re on a pretty even footing when it comes to using WordPress. It’s got the biggest market share by far which means that there are many experts out there already familiar with how it works. This means that there is often less training necessary when building a new site.
  2. There is so much room for expansion. WordPress has the capability to expand as it can be self-hosted. There are no costs when it comes to downloading, installing and upgrading. There are more than 50,000 WordPress plugins and most of them are free to use! You can build on and expand your WordPress site in ways that you may not have imagined before, and that can really make a difference to your business overall. 
  3. It’s completely customizable. That’s the best part about WordPress! You get to make it as flexible as you like for your business and you can change up the layouts per page or per application if you want. You are no longer limited in your website and how it’s laid out because you can change things at the touch of a button.
  4. It’s designed for anyone. It’s not just a tool that developers understand how to use. WordPress is easy to use and simple to follow, which means that the user-interface components are exceptionally easy to follow. You can find an outsourced team out there to help you with WordPress and to help you to build a website that really is going to make a big difference to you. Onboarding is easy and WordPress has so much information on it that you can really improve the way that you work your site.
  5. The setup costs are very low. It’s easy to find developers and designers willing to help you with your WordPress site, and if you need more customization on your site you will be easily able to find it. You won’t get locked down out of your website, and you certainly won’t have to worry about interruptions to service. WordPress is a great option for your business if you need something easy to use and easy to manage at all times.
