Using Cloud Build as your CI/CO for multiple Cloud Functions
by bernt & torsten
There are many CI/CO tools available in the market today like GitLab CI, CircleCI I’m not so much in favor of these CI/CO services even if they have some cool features. I have been a Google Cloud Platform user for a few years now, and I prefer to use the tools that are available to me by a cloud platform that I use.
In my case, for CI/CO I’m using Google Cloud Build that is available in the Google Cloud Platform, in this how-to I will explain how I use Google Cloud Build to automatically deploy cloud functions to Google Cloud Function when an update is pushed to a GitHub repo.
Cloud Functions
I created a service to identify and track brand name being used and sold by illegal merchants on online platforms, for this I had put together a cloud architecture on the Google Cloud Platform that used serverless computing. I created a number of cloud functions Bots that run on the Google Cloud Function platform. The architecture looked like this.
As I had more than one cloud function, I wanted to keep all the cloud functions in one GitHub repository, and only the cloud function that was changed would be deployed by a trigger in the Cloud Build.
Organize cloud functions on GitHub
The way I organized the GitHub repo was by creating sub-folders for each of my cloud functions. It looked like this:
In each of the sub-directories, I created a cloudbuild.yaml file that has the instructions for Cloud Build on how to build and deploy. The cloudbuild.yaml looks like this.
- name: ""
waitFor: ["-"]
- functions
- deploy
- googlecloudbot_http
- --runtime=python37
- --trigger-http
- --region=europe-west1
- --memory=128MB
id: "deploying-a-serverless-function"
dir: "gpi-techlab-googlesearchbot"
Google Cloud Build
In the Google Cloud Platform Console, I selected Cloud Build. What I needed to do is to create a trigger that starts the build action to deploy a new version. I choose to Push to a branch as the Event for the main branch, in my case Master. This would be different depending on the size of the team working with the branch, in my case, it’s just me. I would suggest to Push a new tag if a team is working on the GitHub branch.
I created a trigger for each functions sub-directories in the GitHub branch, to only make that sub-directory to deploy I used cloudbuild.yaml inside each GitHub branch sub-directory. If the trigger was to detect a code change on the GitHub branch, I wanted it only to be trigger on the sub-directory that the code change to start the build process.
I achieved that by creating what include files filter I wanted, I specified the include file filter with the sub-directory – as shown in the example below I specified gpi-techlab-bingboot/** that would only include all files from the sub-directory gpi-techlab-bingboot
And I also specified that I had a .yaml file and that the .yaml file could be found in the sub-directory gpi-techlab-bingboot
That is all for this how-to, it is straight forward, and it works excellent. If you have questions you can contact me or you can read more about Google Cloud Build triggers here.
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