Tag: Global warming

  • Book: Global Warming Over Cool Cocktails Anyone?

    The summertime air is hot, and not just from the rising temperatures. It’s hot with the buzz of global warming. Whether it’s around the water cooler, at a family barbeque or at a cocktail party – we can’t escape this heat. With mounting mixed messages and confusing sound bites flooding the airwaves, global warming has…

  • Tips on how to use your car in a green society

    On-road vehicles contribute up to 35 percent of the emissions that are involved in smog formation and up to18.5 percent of Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Between 10 and 15 percent of Canada’s fleet are older, pre-1988, or poorly maintained vehicles that generate Reduce warm-up idling – start driving after no more than 30 seconds…

  • Climate Change is Real

    The reality of climate change is showcased throughout this series. In this pivotal first episode join our host as she introduces the importance of being real. The reality of climate change is showcased throughout this series. In this pivotal first episode join our host, as she introduces the importance of being real. Shot on various…

  • The planet is dying and so are we

    You must be either ignorant or new to the earth to not know that our planet is dying, and along with with it, the humans. We are on the verge of the biggest collapse of a society in the time period that humans have inhabited this earth. But who am I to say something like…