Tag: Database

  • Find free Datasets from Google dataset search tool

    Find free Datasets from Google dataset search tool

    You are getting into Data Science, you are looking for datasets that you could use for your own learning and to sharpen your skills, Google has you covered. In this article I will tell you about the Google tools you can use to find dataset to sharpen your Data Science skills.

  • Excel with Google Cloud SQL Server

    Excel with Google Cloud SQL Server

    Google has added the SQL server as an option to the Google Cloud SQL service. In this article, I will explore how to set up a Google Cloud SQL server I received a question what was the best way to move a Cloud BI server to the GCP Cloud, and run VB Script from an…

  • How to empty a table in BigQuery

    How to empty a table in BigQuery

    BigQuery is the Google Cloud Platform data warehouse solution, and setting up datasets you have many options for importing data into a BigQuery table. There are times when you just want to empty a table, to import data again.

  • How to build a RESTful API data pipeline with a Firebase Cloud Function and BigQuery

    How to build a RESTful API data pipeline with a Firebase Cloud Function and BigQuery

    In this article, I will show how I build a data pipeline with a Google Cloud Function. My use case, in this case, was to use a RESTful API to get the data from an external system and create new entries from the data and store it in BigQuery.

  • What is going on with BigData

    What is going on with BigData

    If you are following what is going on in BigData, you know that there is current chaos in the BigData ecosystem.

  • Wine Regions of the world with Google Data Studio

    Wine Regions of the world with Google Data Studio

    What is better to do on a frisky spring day, than learning more about Google Data Studio and Colab Notebook. I set to find a dataset that would be interesting to do a report on and writeup a notebook with a word cloud.

  • How to save a Google Colab Notebook as HTML

    How to save a Google Colab Notebook as HTML

    I have been doing a lot of work with creating Jupyter notebooks and collaborating with the Google Colab service, Colaboratory or short-form Colab is a free Jupyter notebook environment that requires no setup and runs entirely in the cloud.

  • Connecting your Google Sheet to an external MySQL database

    Connecting your Google Sheet to an external MySQL database

    I have been working on a Data Studio project that uses various data sources such as Google Sheet, BigQuery and an external MySQL database. During the project, I came across a few issues with data missing or a date being 0000-00-00 00:00:00 in the dataset, it was Data Studio that flagged a problem and gave…

  • Using WordPress instead of Parse.com

    Using WordPress instead of Parse.com

    If you have not heard it yet, Parse announced they’re shutting down their backend as a service. If you’ve built a mobile app with Parse as your backend, you need to migrate to another backend platform or set up your own parse server, as Parse is open-sourcing the parse server.

  • How to disable MySQL strict mode on CodeIgniter

    How to disable MySQL strict mode on CodeIgniter

    I recently installed a CodeIgniter 3.x application and another PHP application on a new server, I did run into some issues immediately, the apps were broken, it connected to the database. Did not allow me to insert new data, gave me an error, took me some time to figure it out, the issue was that…