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Is Your Business Using Tech Efficiently?

Whether or not your business is making good use of its tech is an important question to ask. Knowing you’ve achieved the flexibility, the technological prowess, and the ability to work with that digital angle helps to ensure your company is here to stay. It also tends to prove you understand how the working world operates in the 21st century, which is a great way to bring more of the market share your way. 

However, in trying to answer this question, you’re going to need to consider the key factors below. And not only that, but the more often you ask this question, the more likely you are to actually be clued up in the right areas – you want to breach that gap between your customers and you, and that means utilizing your business tech in the best way possible. So, keep the points below in mind for your tech report. 

Are You Filtering Customer Enquiries? 

Your customers are going to come to you all hours of the day with their questions, comments, and complaints. And as a business, you’ve got to find the most efficient way to deal with these, especially when 30 to 50 different customers come in wanting to know the same thing. Remember, it can be hell for a customer service professional to have to field every single one of these emails or direct messages, and have to answer the same thing each time!

So to save your team a bit of time (and sanity…), why not think about filtering your customer enquiries before they’re even sent through? One way to do this is to have an FAQ section listed somewhere on your website’s main page, but you can also use automated reply filters for emails, allowing a customer to immediately message the person they need to talk to. The more time you put into proactive care, the less time your team will have to spend picking up the pieces! 

How Have You built Your IT Infrastructure? 

Your IT infrastructure needs an ever-present eye focused on it. You need to be able to rely on this network of wires and software systems to keep your business turning over, and that can’t be done if you’re just not sure how any of it works! And sure, the world of IT can be a hard one to understand, but you never have to work with it on your own. 

Indeed, it’s time to know what is a managed service provider; for the sake of your company’s future, and any potential expansion, outsourcing your IT needs to those who know what they’re doing is key. It’s what all the big companies and global corporations tend to do, and it’s a good idea to follow in these footsteps. 

The simple point is: you need to talk to an expert. Whether or not you know how your IT system works, and whether you’re just relying on a wifi router and a couple of passwords to keep your entire database safe, is a simple question to answer. It’s whether or not you’ve got the expert experience on your side that you need to focus on. 

Do You Utilise Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a big component of digital efficiency. Being able to store your data in a secure server, in a place that anyone could technically have access to (but doesn’t!), is a great way to maximize customer potential. You’re bringing in more and more people, and potentially saving their data every time they choose to shop with you – this kind of system always outgrows a physical space! 

And if you’re not using cloud computing within your business, this might be the perfect time to start. You can buy cloud space to your heart’s content, or build your own cloud server from scratch – both have their own pros and cons, and it’s up to you which method suits your needs the best. 

Most of all, in choosing to work with the cloud, you’ll be able to scale your company for the future; you’ll have the chance to expand in a swifter time than you ever thought possible, simply because you invested in your company’s ability to utilize its tech more efficiently. 

Your company can use technology efficiently, as long as you know why you need the tech, and what it helps you manage. The more you know, the more powerful your company’s internal engine can become, and that’s where your technological prowess comes into its own.






2 responses to “Is Your Business Using Tech Efficiently?”

  1. Claes Rickeby Avatar
    Claes Rickeby

    Hello Torbjörn!

    Jag antar att du är svensk så jag skriver på svenska. Jag heter Claes Rickeby och håller på med att sätta upp en CiviCRM site på WP. Anlitar ett webhotell TMD Honsting, och har fått upp siten på svenska. Mycket hjälpsamma, snabba som blixten. Nu har jag nått ett problem med accesser (i CiviCRM, inte servern), då jag som Adminstrator i WP och samma roll i CiviCRM, ändå inte kan nå flikar som hänger i hop med CiviContribute och CiviMember. Utskick kan jag heller inte nå när jag testade. Dock kan jag komma åt CiviContact modulen. Jag får meddelanden att min användare inte har rättigheten att nå dessa spärrade moduler.

    Jag läste en del av dina instruktioner så det verkar som du kan en hel del om CiviCRM. Själv har jag varit användare och administratör i över ett år av en site med tusentals kontakter. Jag försöker nu flytta till ett annat hotell. Förmodligen är det någon liten skitsak som gör att spärren finns där. Kan det vara så att siten har ett domännamn (xyz.com), men min Admin-adress går till ett annat domännamn ([email protected])? Detta är bara en tanke. Vet inte om du vill eller kan hjälpa till, men om så finns jag på maildressen nedan.

    Med vänlig hälsning
    Claes Rickeby

  2. […] inconveniences and logistical problems down the road, resulting in losses. Ultimately, testing your business tech beforehand will help you save time and […]

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