Torbjorn Zetterlund

Mon 17 2015

How to upload a GPX file to Hammerhead Navigation app from MapMyRide App

by bernt & torsten

The premise for this article is to explain how I used the MapMyRide App to generate a bike route for me and export a GPX file for the route and upload it to my Hammerhead Navigation app.

Here are the instructions on how I did it, there might be other ways to do this as well. The easiest way has been to use the MapMyRide app on my mobile and export the GPX file, I could not find out how to do that on the mobile. So this is a little longer and more steps.

  • Login to MapMyRide on your computer and find the route you want to export
  • Then select the GPX format
  • Save the file to a service that you can use from your mobile – I used Google Drive, you could use Dropbox or something different.
  • Go to your mobile and locate the google drive app – select download GPX file to mobile.

That is it – your GPX is now in your Hammerhead Navigation app and you can start your ride.

Hammerhead Map App
Hammerhead Map App

There might be an easier way to do this, so if you know some different steps let me know. The mobile I used for this was a Samsung Galaxy with Android.
