Torbjorn Zetterlund

Sat 30 2015

How to spend you time wisely to select the tools you need

by bernt & torsten

Nowadays, there are so many new tools available or coming available. You probably find yourself signing up for these tools online only to abandon them a few weeks later as the tool did not give you what you wanted.

How to spend your time wisely to select the tools you need. Nowadays, there are so many new tools available or coming available, and you probably find yourself signing up for these tools online only to abandon them a few weeks later as the tool did not give you what you wanted.

If you answered yes, you should get rid of the tools that are not working for you in favour of the ones that are – and then start using them. For the Tools that work, you should take the time to learn about advanced features, stay on top of new releases, and see if they integrate with other tools you use (like your email, accounting software, or browsers). The main focus of your time and effort is not trying the latest thing, use the tools that meet your needs and then learn how to use them better.

How do you choose the Right Tools for Your Need?

To get started, you should list your basic needs and then create a “buckets” list of tools (project management tools, networking tools, communication tools, document sharing). Then list how you would use the tools in your job every day. How would it integrate into your current workflow? How would it make your job easier to do? What need or gap is it filling?

Tools are constantly evolving, integrating with other tools to make sharing content more accessible. When you are looking for a tool, keep in mind that tool integrations will save you time, so next time you are switching between tools, ask yourself – is there an easier way to do this?

A list of common tools

Below is a list of tools that are commonly used, there as so many tools available, but this is just a starting point for you to create the toolset you need.

Social Media Management

 Tool Description   
  Browser Extensions  
 Chromethousands of tools in multiple categories to embed in your browser  
 Firefoxthousands of tools in multiple categories to embed in your browser  
  Chat & Messaging  
 Gchatvideo, voice and text chat  
 Skypevideo, voice and text chat  
  Civic Engagement  
 See Click Fixreport neighbourhood issues  
  Collaboration & File Sharing  
 Google Docshosted document collaboration  
 Dropboxshared file storage  
 Etherpadhosted document collaboration  
 Hackpadhosted document collaboration  
 Yousenditlarge file delivery  
  Content Delivery  
 Flipboardpersonalized magazine, iPad only  
Digital work management tool
  Wrike Track and coordinate project  
  Crowd Funding  
 Kickstartersocial project funding  
 Indiegogosocial project funding  
 wefunderstartup investment  
  Customer Relationship Management (CRM)  
 Salesforcecloud-based sales, service, a marketing platform  
 Volunteer Salesforcemanage volunteers and volunteer events in Salesforce  
 SalsaCRM, communications, event, list management  
 StreakCRM in Gmail  
  Data, Analytics & Visualization  
 Google Analyticswebsite analytics  
 Reportivedata exploration & analysis  
 Ushahidiinformation collection, visualization and interactive mapping  
 Tableaupublically accessible and shared data visualizations  
 Headwaters Economicspublic data source, independent non-partisan research  
  Digital Rights Management  
 Creative Commonscopyright licenses  
 Squarethe mobile credit card reader  
 Mailchimpemail list manager  
  Image Manipulation & Sharing  
 Skitchannotate, edit screenshots & images  
 Instagrammobile photo filter & social network  
 Pinterestonline pinboard, social network  
 Canvagraphic design software in the cloud  
  Presentation Design  
 Haiku Deckpresentation generation  
 Prezicloud-based presentation software  
  Project Management  
 Smartsheetproject management software  
  Social Media Management  
 Hootsuitesocial media dashboard  
 Radian6social media listening, monitoring & engagement  
  Task Managers  
 Asanashared task lists for teams  
 Evernotemobile, tablet & desktop note taker  
 Pivotal Trackeragile PM tool for software development  
 Thingstask manager  
  Website CMS  
 WordPressopen source, community-driven  
 Drupalopen source, community-driven  
  Website Development  
 Twitter Bootstrapfront-end toolkit for rapidly developing web applications.  
 GitHubversion control for collaborative software development  
  Website Testing  
 OptimizelyA/B testing  
 Balsamiqhosted, collaborative wireframing  
 Cacoohosted, collaborative diagram drawing
