How to recover users Google Drive files
by bernt & torsten
How to recover users Google Drive files – Being able to recover files that are accidentally deleted from Google Drive could make a Google Drive user’s day. Recovering a file will also be helpful in the event that you need to look for a file that has been deleted.
In Google Drive, you can now as a Google Apps domain administrator recover files for your users. If your users delete items and remove them from their trash, you can restore a given user’s deleted Google Drive files for a date range you specify, you can select a date range to restore files from up to 25 days ago. This helps ensure that, if a user accidentally deletes important files, those files are not permanently lost.
Note: If a user removes a file in Drive, the file moves to the Trash, where the user can easily recover the file. When the user or the system empties the Trash, this actually deletes the file. You can then restore the deleted file.
Note: If your Google Apps account includes Drive storage quotas for users, you can’t restore a user’s files if that user’s Drive is full.

To restore a user’s files:
- Sign in to the Google Admin console.
- Click Users, and then click the individual username. Or, search for the user in the search box.
- Click Admin Undelete icon.
Select the date range for the files you want to restore.
- Click Restore Data.
- On the status screen, click Close.
- To confirm that you successfully restored the files, check the user’s Drive folder.

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