Torbjorn Zetterlund

Fri 30 2018

How Tinder Helps Singles Over 50

by bernt & torsten

Today’s society is full of modern technology, and there are millions of people out there using online dating services to find a soulmate or someone to hang out with. Even though this trend emerged with the introduction of the commercial internet in the latter stages of the 20th century, its beginnings were actually made many years earlier.

It all began in 1959 when Stanford students Jim Harvey and Phil Fialer used punch card questionnaires and an IBM 650 computer to conduct matchmaking for a class project. This is considered to be the first attempt at matchmaking services. 


Fast-forwarding four decades will bring you to the moment when the first online dating service was created. It was in 2000 when Neil Clark Warren launched eHarmony, with the idea of helping people find their compatible counterparts so they can maintain a long-term relationships.


However, it was in 2012 when online dating endured the most significant revolution since it was introduced. To be more precise, it was on September 12 of the same year that Tinder, the first online dating application, was released. IAC developed the 3 billion dollar company that Tinder is today with Sean Rad, Jonathan Badeen, and Justin Mateen being the guys that came up with the idea in 2011.

Although most Tinder users are aged 25-34, there are people from the older generations that use the most famous dating application too.

We are now going to look at the older singles aged 50 or more who are starting to embrace this dating application. To be more precise, 3% of the users are aged 45 to 54, and 55 to 64 year-olds are represented by 1%.

The 50s

Since it is effortless to use, many people in their late 50s decide to create profiles on Tinder to find someone who will give them a chance to have fun or even arrange hookups. It helps them find people of the right age who can meet their needs and preferences. 

Pheromones for men boost sexual attraction in men and the release of the chemicals can have an impact on women. This is why people are choosing to use it before going on their Tinder date, it also helps increase confidence knowing you might attract more women when using it.

Many divorced people of this particular age use Tinder to find someone with whom they can acquire new experiences or something they haven’t done so far. With more and more 50-year-olds starting to use Tinder, the chances that they will find what they are looking for are getting bigger. 

That it is quite a useful “tool” is shown by the fact that a considerable number of 50+-year-old singles are satisfied with Tinder and rate it on the top of the dating applications. There are many success stories being shared on social media, with the hashtag #tindersuccessstory being used and showing photos of people who met while using the app.

With 50 million users around the world coming from almost 200 countries, it is safe to say that Tinder is the most famous online dating application, and will continue to be in the years that come. 

Here are some facts about Tinder:
