How AI Is Impacting the Future of App Development
by bernt & torsten
For a long time, the average person probably associated artificial intelligence with science fiction. Those days are over. AI is a real-world tech that’s already played a major role in improving the functionality and overall value of numerous products and services. As technology develops, its role will only grow more significant.
AI is particularly effective when used in mobile apps. Whether you’re looking into developing iOS apps in London or building Android apps in Toronto, the following points will help you better understand precisely why developers have begun actively experimenting with it.
Handling Key Tasks
Sci-fi movies and books have made some people fear that AI will take over all jobs, rendering human workers obsolete. This fear doesn’t line up with reality. Even the most sophisticated AI can’t replace a human. Instead, it can serve to take over certain tasks. This allows workers to focus on more productive and important goals.
Apps which leverage AI in this capacity will actually help people complete tasks more efficiently. This benefit isn’t restricted to work tasks, either. AI apps will offer unparalleled convenience in many different areas of life.
The Role of AI in App Development
Mobile technology has yielded many advantages for the average consumer. That said, adjusting to new innovations usually involves some degree of struggle at first. A Cambridge University study indicates one in three people feel overwhelmed by technology.
It’s easy to understand why. For example, a smartphone makes it easier than ever to message a client, schedule a meeting in your calendar, and follow-up via email. That means it also makes it easier to lose track of all the information mobile technology bombards a user with. In a rush to get to that meeting, you might forget how to find the client’s office in the building. Did they provide directions in a message? An email? Did you record that information in your calendar?
AI addresses problems like these by efficiently analyzing all your data to answer your question. Instead of searching through various apps to find the info you need, an AI app can find it quickly. This helps to make mobile technology far less overwhelming than it currently is.
On a larger scale, AI apps might also help shift overall trends in various industries.
Consider the recruitment process. Hiring managers at virtually all companies are prone to human bias. That’s unavoidable. Unfortunately, bias can prevent qualified candidates from getting jobs if unexpected factors influence the hiring manager at a subconscious level.
AI will guard against this by evaluating candidates solely on their merits and qualifications. An AI can be programmed to ignore unimportant factors that might otherwise sway a human interviewer. In the long run, this could improve overall hiring practices in business.
Again, AI will also make people more productive in general by handling tasks that would typically drain someone’s time and energy. For instance, doctors are already using AI to help diagnose health conditions. Spending less time on the diagnostic process gives physicians more time to develop treatments.
These examples illustrate why developers are focusing on building AI apps. Contrary to what some may fear, AI won’t replace humans. It will simply make a life for humans much easier.

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