Torbjorn Zetterlund

Wed 28 2015

Google Docs, Sheets, Slides for Android have new features

by bernt & torsten

Google has rolled out updates to its Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Keep apps that add a handful of new features for Android users. The Sheets app now allows users to view more content on the screen by automatically hiding “toolbars and headers so that you can see more of your content on the screen at one time.”

Sheets will now show filters that were previously applied on the web and will also now allow users to Paste only values, formatting, already available in Sheets on the web, the Paste special feature in the Sheets Android app allows you to copy content and then paste only the associated values, formatting, formula, data validation, or conditional formatting. You can also paste everything but borders, paste comma-separated values as columns or paste your content in a transposed order.

Slides get an option to hyperlink text and shapes, while both Docs and Slides will now offer an option to create superscript and subscript text.

You can grab the Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Keep apps on Google Play now.
