Torbjorn Zetterlund

Wed 24 2017

Gmail Shortcuts that are good to know

by bernt & torsten

Do you use Gmail for all your email communications, if so you probably spend plenty of time going through your inbox daily, replying to an email, creating and sending new ones?

Do you feel like you want to speed up how you manage your emails, you can by using Gmail keyboard shortcuts, just with the press of some keyboards keys you can increase your throughput on working with Gmail.

To get started with Gmail keyboard shortcuts, you need to check that it’s enabled for your user profile. You can do that by clicking on the gear bar on the top right, select settings, scroll down tills you find keyboards shortcuts, make sure it’s set to “keyboard shortcuts on”, don’t forget to save your new settings.

Now with keyboard shortcuts on, you can start using the shortcuts. I will describe to you some very useful shortcuts that can learn quickly to use.

Compose Messages (press “c”)

Need to send a message, press “c” while you’re in your inbox view instead. A new message box will open up, fill in details and then mail out to your chosen recipient.

Send an Email (press “Command + Enter”)

You can use two simple keys to get your email sent out without using your mouse. A quick “command” and “enter” will get your message to its recipients.

Reply to a Message (press “r”)

Open an email, click “r” to open a blank response message box open on your screen instantly.

Reply All (select message press “a”)

Looking to respond to more than just one email recipient at once? Instead of hitting the “r” key on your keyboard, open an email and press the “a” key. Your response will automatically include everyone on the original message.

Forward a Message (select message press “f”)

Forward an email you’re currently reading on to someone who needs to know what it entails with, just press “f” to get started forwarding the message.

Search for Messages (press “/”)

Need to find a specific message? Press the “/” key and the cursor ends up in the search bar, just type in your search query and see the results pile up.

All Unread Messages (press “Shift + 8 + u”)

Press “Shift + 8 + ushortcut allows you to select all your unread messages. If you get a lot of emails this is a handy shortcut so you do not miss any emails.

Archive Selected Messages (select messages press “e”)

At some point you might want to archive your emails as they are no longer relevant, you still want to keep them, select the message you want to archive and press “e” and archive them all in the process, this keeps your inbox clean.

Flag a Selected Message (select message press “=”)

Whether you have one message selected or several, it’s easy to flag them all as important. Just press “=” and your emails will be marked an essential part of your inbox for future reading or simply saving.

Mute an Email Thread (select message and press “m”)

Ever find yourself part of an email thread that you don’t really need to be a part of – and that never seems to end? Hit the “m” key to mute the thread, ensuring any new replies are archived before they even arrive in your inbox.
