Torbjorn Zetterlund

Mon 03 2015

From the LinkedIn blog: New Campaign Manager

by bernt & torsten

Linkedin has been busy creating a new Campaign Manager, the tool that you use to manage and optimize Sponsored Updates and Text Ads on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn has rebuilt the LinkedIn Campaign Manager to provide more control and visibility of LinkedIn campaigns. Many new changes like the new look and feel and many other new features:

  • Campaign search
  • Dynamic visual reporting that re-calculates and displays only data that satisfies your search or filter settings
  • A detailed breakout of social actions related to your Sponsored Updates campaigns, including Likes, Shares, Comments, and Follows
  • Audience insights that enable you to see a detailed view of the demographic categories of LinkedIn members clicking on your ads, available at the account, campaign, and creative level
  • Campaign start date, which now allows you to schedule your campaigns to launch in the future
  • The ability to post rich media (e.g. image files, documents) for Direct Sponsored Content, so you can more easily test and optimize engaging images in your Sponsored Updates campaigns
  • An account overview page that makes it easier to locate and access multiple advertising accounts

Read More: New Campaign Manager features
