Torbjorn Zetterlund

Sun 15 2015

Have you ever tried Google Hangouts

by bernt & torsten

Are you a user of Google Apps, did you know that Google Apps includes a videoconferencing service named Hangouts!

With hangouts you can have a videoconference for up to 15 people, connecting you with teammates, partners, clients, and family and it is all free if you have Google Apps.

You can connect spontaneously by starting 1:1 video meetings, chats and phone calls from your Gmail chat window.

Google Hangout
Google Hangout

You can start the collaboration immediately without any additional equipment than your computer. Login to your google account and from Gmail you can make initiate the call and start collaboration.

You can broadcast your call publicly, this can be used for product launches, press briefings, online training, there is an option in which you can record and publish your video call to YouTube.

You can actually use the recording feature to make tutorials, helps videos and publish to YouTube.

Hangout is a great tool, I use it all the time – if you have an opinion you can comment below.
