Torbjorn Zetterlund

Mon 03 2014

Early November bike ride

by bernt & torsten

Yesterday I went for a bike ride around the neighborhoods, it was warm day for this time of the year, 16 degrees celsius, there was a strong wind coming from southeast, I divided the ride into for section, the first section I had the wind from the back or sideways, so I could keep a good speed without exerting too much energy.

Section 2 of the ride turning towards Spaarndam I got the wind coming head on – this was the toughest part of the ride, battling the wind, for me is a mental challenge, how hard to go, your mind telling this is hard, why are you doing this, with wind gusts that almost stops you in the path it gets though. Was passed a few time by other cyclists, try to latch on when they came by, did not have it in me. By the time I got down to Zwaanshoek for my turn into section 3, I was tired.

Section 3 was a bit better still could feel the brunt of the wind hitting me from the side – this section went slow, again battling the mind of how hard go. I got through section 3 when I made my turn at Rijsenhout.

Section 4 was great the wind from the back, almost pushing me along, I was tired by now so I did not have that much energy to push hard, so it became a comfortable ride back home. Reaching home I had made a 70 km ride, in a bit over 3 hours, the route I took you can see below.

I took some pictures from the ride, here is the ride album.
