Disable Billing for Google Cloud Project when billing exceeds the budget limit
by bernt & torsten
In this article, I will explain how you can create a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Cloud Function that you can use to cap the cost if the cost is higher than the budget the billing will be disabled.
You may ask why do I want to do this; you can set up billing notifications in GCP that send you an email when your budget limits are achieved, yes that works well sometimes. There are times when you may have installed an update to the Cloud Engine App that occurs on the network edge, starting to generate a large amount of traffic, and your billing increases dramatically.
I had an issue once when I wrote a Cloud Function. I published it, and there was something wrong in the code within minutes the incorrect code had generated over 100 dollars to my billing in seconds, things happen it’s better to be sorry and to play it safe than just go in a wimp till you get a bill and you say what did happen?
Google was very good with my Cloud Function that went down, I contacted their billing department and explained what happened, and they paid back the money. If it happens again, I now have a Cloud Function that will stop the billing and limit the cost.
The GCP Architect Services
In the GCP I’m using the following services as show in the diagram below:
Disabling Billing
If the total spend of a project exceeds the budget fixed for the project, the Billing will be disabled for the project using Cloud Billing API and also send a notification. One word about disabling Billing through the Google Billing API, when you programmatically send a diable billing through the BIlling API, your billing account will go from active to inactive. It will shut down any services that you have on the GCP project. Say you are running your WordPress site on the Google Compute Engine, your WordPress site will go down, be careful when using the Cloud Function to disable Billing.
Let’s get started
Let’s get started to set up all the GCP services to tie all the pieces together so that you will be able to disable billing for your GCP project.
Billing Notifications
The first thing we need to do is to create a budget alert for our GCP Billing, in the Google Cloud Platform Console navigate to Billing -> Budgets & alerts.
Create an alert use the project id as the name of your billing alert and select the alert to be sent to Pub/Sub – named the Sub/Pub topic to budgets-notifications.
When you save the billing alert you would see something like this.
Now you Billing Alert is setup, lets move on.
Cloud Pub/Sub
When you created a budget alert, you had that the option to create a Pub/Sub topic – you can now navigate to Pub/Sub and look at your topic and to verify after you have published your Cloud Function that the Cloud Function is subscribed to your Pub/Sub topic.
Enable Cloud Billing API
For the Cloud Function to be able to disable billing, we need to enable the Cloud Billing API, navigate to Google Cloud Platform Console APIs & Services, and enable the Cloud Billing API.
Secret Manager
I store all my secrets for the Cloud Function with the Secret Manager. You can read how to use the Secret Manager in this article Using Secret Manager in a Google Cloud Function with Python.
Creating Cloud Function with Python
Now you have the Secret Manager for Python installed in your environment, next you have to create your requirements.txt. You need this when you publish your Cloud Function to GCP.
I’m using three different Python libraries for the Cloud Function. I’m using the oauth2client to authenticate the function with GCP so I can use the google-api-python-client to disable the Billing API. The google-cloud-secret-manager I’m using to interact with the secret manager.
The Cloud Function Code in Python
Below is the code for the cloud function, I’m using the Secret Manager to manage my Slack Hook Key, the mailgun credentials as I using Slack and Mailgun to send me a notification at the same time as I disable the billing account, hopefully, I will catch the notification on these mediums in time, so I can analyze why the billing was shutdown and enable billing if required. I also use Environment variables to set my Environment variables.
I’m not going to explain all the lines of code, basically, we have a Pub/Sub trigger Cloud Function, when data starts flowing from billing it will trigger the function to execute, the cloud function just lives for a short time. The payload that comes from the Pub/Sub topic looks like this.
{'budgetDisplayName': 'torbjorn-zetterlund', 'costAmount': 0.59, 'costIntervalStart': '2020-06-01T07:00:00Z', 'budgetAmount': 50.0, 'budgetAmountType': 'SPECIFIED_AMOUNT', 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}
The Cloud Functions read this data and make a determination if the costAmount is higher than the budgetAmount, if that is the case it will trigger the disabling of the cloud billing and send email notification via mailgun and Slack notification to the Slack webhook. Below is the full code snippet.
You can download the Cloud Function from GitHub.
import logging
import os
import requests
# Install Google Libraries
from google.cloud import secretmanager
# Setup the Secret manager Client
client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient()
# Get the sites environment credentials
project_id = os.environ["PROJECT_NAME"]
# Get the secret for Slack
secret_name = "slack-hook-key"
resource_name = f"projects/{project_id}/secrets/{secret_name}/versions/latest"
response = client.access_secret_version(resource_name)
slackhookkeyurl = response.payload.data.decode('UTF-8')
# Get the secret for Mailgun
secret_name = "mailgun_domain"
resource_name = f"projects/{project_id}/secrets/{secret_name}/versions/latest"
response = client.access_secret_version(resource_name)
mailgundomain = response.payload.data.decode('UTF-8')
# Get the secret for Mailgun
secret_name = "mailgun-api"
resource_name = f"projects/{project_id}/secrets/{secret_name}/versions/latest"
response = client.access_secret_version(resource_name)
mailgunapi = response.payload.data.decode('UTF-8')
# Request Header
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
def gpi_techlab_budgets_notifications(data, context):
import base64
import json
pubsub_budget_notification_data = json.loads(base64.b64decode(data['data']).decode('utf-8'))
logging.info('Logging Details: {}'.format(pubsub_budget_notification_data))
# The budget alert name must be created with the project_id you want to cap
budget_project_id = pubsub_budget_notification_data['budgetDisplayName']
# The budget amount to cap costs
budget = pubsub_budget_notification_data['budgetAmount']
logging.info('Handling budget notification for project id: {}'.format(budget_project_id))
logging.info('The budget is set to {}'.format(budget))
logging.info('Handling the cost amount of : {} for the budget notification period / month, or technically '
'the costIntervalStart : {}'.format(pubsub_budget_notification_data['costAmount'],
# If the billing is already disabled, stop Cloud Function execution
if not __is_billing_enabled(budget_project_id):
raise RuntimeError('Billing already in disabled state')
# get total costs accrued per budget alert period
# Calculating the total as the sum of the cost amounts which are values to start intervals keys in the dict
monthtotal = pubsub_budget_notification_data['costAmount']
logging.info('The month to date total is {}'.format(monthtotal))
# Disable or not the billing for the project id depending on the total and the budget
if monthtotal < budget:
logging.info('No action will be taken on the total amount of {} for the period {} .'
.format(monthtotal, pubsub_budget_notification_data['costIntervalStart']))
logging.info('The monthly total is more than {} euros for period {}, the monthly budget amount is set to {}, the billing will be disable for project id {}.'
.format(budget, pubsub_budget_notification_data['costIntervalStart'], monthtotal, budget_project_id))
payload = '{{"text":"The monthly total is more than {} euros for period {}, the monthly budget amount is set to {}, the billing will be disable for project id {}."}}'\
.format(monthtotal, pubsub_budget_notification_data['costIntervalStart'], budget, budget_project_id)
response = requests.request("POST", slackhookkeyurl, headers=headers, data=payload)
emailtext = 'The monthly total is more than {} euros for period {}, the monthly budget amount is set to {}, the billing will be disable for project id {}.'\
.format(monthtotal, pubsub_budget_notification_data['costIntervalStart'], budget, budget_project_id)
def __is_billing_enabled(project_id):
service = __get_cloud_billing_service()
billing_info = service.projects().getBillingInfo(name='projects/{}'.format(project_id)).execute()
if not billing_info or 'billingEnabled' not in billing_info:
return False
return billing_info['billingEnabled']
def __get_cloud_billing_service():
# Creating credentials to be used for authentication, by using the Application Default Credentials
# The credentials are created for cloud-billing scope
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
# The name and the version of the API to use can be found here https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/python/apis/
from apiclient import discovery
return discovery.build('cloudbilling', 'v1', credentials=credentials, cache_discovery=False)
def __disable_billing_for_project(project_id):
service = __get_cloud_billing_service()
billing_info = service.projects()\
.updateBillingInfo(name='projects/{}'.format(project_id), body={'billingAccountName': ''}).execute()
assert 'billingAccountName' not in billing_info
def __send_email_message_mailgun(emailtext):
return requests.post(
"https://api.mailgun.net/v3/" + mailgundomain + "/messages",
auth=("api", mailgunapi),
data={"from": "Excited User <[email protected]>",
"to": "[email protected]",
"subject": "Budget Notification",
"text": emailtext})
Authorization for the Cloud Function
At runtime, the Cloud Function uses a service account, which is listed at the bottom of the Cloud Function details page in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
You can manage Billing Admin permissions on the Google Cloud Platform Console Billing page. Add the Cloud Function runtime service account as a member and give it Billing Account Administrator privileges.
To give the Cloud Function runtime service account the Browser role, you need to add it as a member to each project to monitor through the Google Cloud Platform IAM page and give it the Browser role.
The Cloud Billing API, Cloud Pub/Sub and Cloud Function call and data are on the free tier.
Wrapping up
I hope I have been clear in how you can set up a Cloud Function to disable your GCP project billing if you have any questions please comment below and I will provide answers to the best of my knowledge.
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