Torbjorn Zetterlund

Sat 30 2023

A Poem: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Romance

by bernt & torsten

It started in Spangen’s house, wild teenagers we were,
Amidst the chaos of a raucous party, you appeared from afar.
I didn’t know your name or your story, but you seized my hand,
Whispered softly, “I am yours,” with music playing, as our hearts began to band.

Back to my parent’s house, we made our way,
Two young souls entwined, come what may.
Boyfriend and girlfriend, we embarked on our journey’s start,
Still just teenagers, we shared secrets and hearts.

Into a modest apartment, we ventured, side by side,
Navigating life’s twists and turns, we took it in stride.
While you pursued your studies, I dived into code,
Becoming a software developer on a career path I rode.

Tremendous times we shared, oh, how we thrived,
Travelling, exploring, and feeling so alive.
Our love blossomed, burning with a passionate flame,
But like all things, it changed, and we’re not the same.

In the very same house, years later, we did convene,
Another party, another scene, though not as it seemed.
I crossed paths with someone new, but nothing ignited,
It was your friend who called, sealing our fate that night.

A girl from the neighbourhood, a familiar face,
We had flirted lightly in a transient embrace.
That final party marked the end of what we knew,
Though it took a few months more for our love to bid adieu.

For me, there was only one path, one way to depart,
To forge my own destiny, to follow my heart.
In this tale of sudden love, like a rock ‘n’ roll dance,
Our story began and ended with a bittersweet romance.
