Torbjorn Zetterlund

Mon 26 2023

Unleashing the Power of Procrastination

by bernt & torsten

How Delayed Action Fuels Creativity. Throughout my career, spanning over a decade as an author, I have discovered a peculiar working method that has consistently yielded remarkable results. It revolves around a seemingly counterintuitive approach – waiting until the last possible moment before diving into work. I have often felt a sense of guilt, perceiving this method as a personal flaw rather than a legitimate strategy. However, a recent revelation has completely transformed my perspective.

The catalyst for this transformative shift came in the form of a book by John Cleese, the brilliant mind behind Monty Python. Purchased during autumn, it joined the stack of books awaiting my attention. As we all know, the allure of other diversions often eclipses our best intentions. From contemplating delving into the depths of the French Revolution to pondering whether Charles de Gaulle’s memoirs would captivate my interest, the book collected dust on my shelf. But yesterday, that changed.

Within the pages of Cleese’s book, a tale unfolded about a researcher who embarked on a quest to understand the secrets of creativity by studying the world’s most renowned architects. Amidst their collective traits, which included a fondness for polo shirts, one characteristic stood out: an unwavering propensity for procrastination. These architectural luminaries deferred the commencement of their work until the pressure became unbearable. Paradoxically, it was this very delay that fueled their brilliance, elevating their creative prowess.

Delving deeper, it becomes evident that waiting to tackle a task offers numerous benefits. Notably, the subconscious mind gains additional time to process ideas, enabling it to unearth fresh perspectives and innovative solutions. By granting ourselves the luxury of procrastination, we open the floodgates to new information that enriches the outcome. Moreover, the act of delaying action is not solely a reflection of skill but also an aversion to the stress and uncertainty associated with deadlines. For some individuals, the primary objective is not to produce an exceptional result but rather to ensure clarity and completion.

In light of this revelation, I find myself amazed. What I had long perceived as laziness has transformed into a superpower. My inclination to procrastinate, once a source of shame, has been reframed as a catalyst for creativity and enhanced productivity. I am left pondering why it took me so long to discover the wisdom contained within Cleese’s book.

So, dear reader, if you find yourself grappling with the urge to postpone and succumb to the pressures of procrastination, do not berate yourself. Embrace it. Harness the power of delayed action and allow your subconscious mind to weave its magic. By doing so, you may unlock a wellspring of ideas, innovation, and clarity that would have otherwise remained hidden. Trust in the process, for within the realm of procrastination lies the potential for greatness.
