Useful GCP commands when working with multiple GCP domains
by bernt & torsten
I have recently been working on multiple Google Cloud Platform (GCP) domains, I’m not referring to GCP project I talking about different GCP Domains. I have been working with and When working with different GCP domains, I needed to switch back and forth between the GCP domains. I have listed a few commands that are useful when you working from the command line with GCP CLI.
Authenticated with the correct account:
gcloud auth list
* account 1
account 2
Change to the project’s account if not:
gcloud config set account `ACCOUNT`
authorize gcloud to access the Cloud Platform with Google user credentials
gcloud auth login
initialize or reinitialize gcloud
gcloud init
List the project:
gcloud projects list
- project 1
- project 2...
Switch to the intended project:
gcloud config set project `PROJECT ID`
Check Active Project
gcloud config get-value project
There you have it some useful command to make sure you are on the right project, switching GCP domain – this is just a subset of commands for GCP. Here is a link to the full GCP CLI API commands
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