Torbjorn Zetterlund

Wed 29 2014

Transfer Your WordPress Content from WP to Another WP

by bernt & torsten

Sometimes you may need to transfer, or copy, the content of one WordPress blog to another. WordPress is equipped with a feature that allows for this to take place seamlessly and almost effortlessly – just another benefit of WordPress. Content can be the entire blog, posts only, pages only, or contact forms. The steps are essentially the same, at one point in the process you will need to choose which content to transfer or copy.

In this tutorial, we will go over the steps to accomplish the transfer of all the content within a blog to another.

Log in to the dashboard of the source blog then hover your cursor over “Tools” and then click “Export”, as shown by the red arrows below:

Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 17.13.07

In the following page, check “All content” and click “Download Export File”.

Note: Check “Posts”, “Pages” or “Contact Forms” for partial content export.

Export ‹ ThunderBear Design — WordPress

Save the file to your computer.

Next, you will need to log in to the dashboard of the destination blog, then hover your cursor over “Tools” and then click “Import”.

Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 17.17.28

On the next page, click “WordPress”.

Import ‹ Torbjorn Zetterlund — WordPress

You may be prompted to install the WordPress importer, if you have not done that before, just click “Install Now” and follow the instructions.

On the next page, you will need to either create a new user for the posts or assign an existing one. Once you’re done, hit “Submit”.

Import ‹ Torbjorn Zetterlund — WordPress (1)

And that’s it! You have copied content from one blog to another.
