Torbjorn Zetterlund

Fri 03 2014

Staying organized with social media content

by bernt & torsten

Managing social media accounts, no matter how big or small, is not easy – staying up-to-date on social media, and posting relevant and engaging content on a regular basis, can be a lot of work.

How will you stay on top, here are some ideas:

Create a content calendar and keep it updated

Planning out social media posts is time-consuming, so keeping track of it all with a content calendar can help cut down on time.

Schedule social media posts

Scheduling posts save a lot of time, and it allows you to focus on other parts of your job instead of being constantly distracted by the need to publish at certain times of the day.

Keep a to-do list

You need to keep a to-do list. You could use an app such as Todoist, a simple to-do app, that can sync to-do’s between your work computer, your home computer, and your mobile phone.

Look for the timely and relevant content

What’s trending right now? What content are people posting on each other’s Facebook walls? Which news stories are people talking about? You need to keep on top of rising trends. You can use Feedly an RSS feed aggregator and subscribe to industry news sites and blogs that post on your industry trends and topics.

Have a dedicated “Social Content” folder in your email

If you use Google Gmail create a folder called “Social Content” where you put any emails that you receive about related things that required promotion – in addition to general inspiration for her next social post. Many of these included brand new ebooks, upcoming webinars, upcoming product launches, or marketing collateral from other companies that your audience would appreciate.

Have a routine going through every single blog post that your company published in the last week, and schedule the evergreen posts for the following week, do the same thing with all our relatively new evergreen efforts. This would keep the social publishing machine going while you looking for new opportunities.

Create a spreadsheet for social promotion requests

Create a shared Google spreadsheet so members can request a social promotion, requesters can enter a suggested send date, recommended message, link, their name, and the associated campaign name if applicable.

Use Canva to images

Canva is a simple image editing tool that you can use to create images for posts on social media. It’s especially useful for creating multiple images for one campaign so you can organize them all in one place.

Organize your windows and tabs in a specific order every day.

When you’re juggling your email, calendar, social streams, post requests, links, and so on and so forth, keep windows and tabs open in a specific order that you’ll get used to and memorize quickly, closing out of tabs as soon as you’re done with them.

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