Torbjorn Zetterlund

Wed 30 2011

Start and Stop MySQL on Linux

by bernt & torsten

A) If you are using MySQL on  RedHat Linux (Fedora Core/CentOS)  then use the following command:

* To start MySQL server:

/etc/init.d/mysqld start

* To stop MySQL server:

/etc/init.d/mysqld stop

* To restart MySQL server

 /etc/init.d/mysqld restart

Tip: Redhat Linux also supports service command, which can be used to start, restart, stop any service:

# service mysqld start # service mysqld stop # service mysqld restart

(B) If you are using MySQL on  Debian / Ubuntu  Linux then use the following command:

* To start MySQL server:

/etc/init.d/mysql start

* To stop MySQL server:

/etc/init.d/mysql stop

* To restart MySQL server

/etc/init.d/mysql restart
