Torbjorn Zetterlund

Tue 04 2015

Sharing my name with an IKEA chair

by bernt & torsten

IKEA has introduced a new Swivel chair which they have named Torbjörn. I guess that is the risk to get furniture named after you when your parents give you a common Swedish name. IKEA furniture is mostly named after places or names given to people.

I’m not sure what message they want to send with the Torbjorn chair, the name Tor-Björn is two names put together and Tor or Thor in the old Viking saga is the god of thunder and björn is the Swedish name for a bear. I assume they want to send a message that this is a strong agile chair that will give you long term comfort using the chair or it will kick your ass.

Tor and Björn have been used separately in the past for other products not only IKEA products, but an example is also Baby björn and the Tor Project.

So for all the Torbjörn’s out there, we have got some recognition to the name given to us by sharing it with a chair.
