Torbjorn Zetterlund

Sun 27 2016

You need to recognise your IT Operation staff

by bernt & torsten

The guys and gals that go beyond any call of duties to keep the IT operational environment working seldom get recognition.

The facts in the IT industry is that no one gets praise when the operational environment works well. When it falters, the finger-pointing starts. IT operations teams work day and night to maintain an environment that stays running 24 by 7 by 365. Their skills knowledge and experience are what ensures that the IT environment on which your organization depends on is robust, reliable and resilient.


If you want them to be on your side as a manager or an organization – you will need to recognize their work. Just thank them – you could say something like “Thank you for building a tested IT environment”.

IT Staff

Operations people realize that new platforms require major changes not just to the technology, but also to the underlying processes. They carry a significant degree of hidden risks around integration, production readiness, security, and robustness. Change happens when a change needs to happen. Don’t react to new trends and throw out processes and start building new processes from the beginning. Listen to your IT Operation staff.


Listen to your IT Operation staff. Evolution, not revolution, is the IT operations mantra, and it should be respected by more than just IT operations.


Successful DevOps done right is a collaboration between developers and operations. Developers talk incessantly about the features of the new service and how it will work, but operations are just as important in that discussion.

Too often, IT operations are told to use tools that weren’t built for them. They are handed developer tools and asked to make them work. Developers, meanwhile, get to choose whatever they want.

IT operations should use the tools they prefer to use not given to them if you miss this there will be issues to bring new services to live as quickly as they should.

Sometimes IT operations are getting negative reviews for not automating enough of their work. IT Operations often aren’t asked what can be done to help them achieve their automation goals.

You should ask them: “What can be done to automate more of your processes?”

To ramp up – Organizations simply couldn’t function and succeed without the vision and insight offered by IT operations. Treat them fairly as they are very important to your success.
