Torbjorn Zetterlund

Tue 07 2020

How to add external collaborator to your Firebase project

by bernt & torsten

Recently I got a Firebase use cases that requested an external party access to a Firebase project that I’m involved in, in this brief write up I just want to explain my experience to setup external collaborators.

This article is about how do I add other people to my project or app whom I want to collaborate with?

There are two ways to go about this, you can either used the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project approach by going to the IAM & admin service to setup the collaborators one by one.

You can assign the role of your collaborators with either Owner/Editor/Viewer access or you can assign specific Firebase roles. It is all about what you want the collaborators to be able to do. If you assign the roles for the GCP project the collaborators will have permission depending on role to the whole of the GCP project.

If you use Firebase roles, the users will only have project permission to Firebase. In my use case the roles that I setup for my collaborators were to Firebase only.

These are the steps I took to setup on Firebase.

  • Select your project in the new Firebase Console
  • In the top left, next to the project name, click the settings/cog wheel icon 
  • Click Users and Permissions
  • Click Add Members
  • Enter the name/email of the user to add and select the appropriate role to the GCP Project Owner/Editor/Viewer or Firebase only you can assign to a specific collaborator, access to AnalyticsDevelopQuality and Grow, each one with Admin privileges or View privileges.etc as per your requirement)
  • Click Add

The newly added users will get an email with the subject [Firebase] Torbjorn Zetterlund invited you as an owner on the project ‘cycletrippin’ and with an option to click a button to accept the invitation. Notify your collaborators to let them know that they been added, so that they can accept the invite.

If you use the option of setting up the users through Firebase, the users will automatically be added to GCP project IAM & Admin as Firebase is part of a specific GCP project.
