Torbjorn Zetterlund

Mon 02 2015

Google Chrome extension essential to your day to day activities

by bernt & torsten

If you are a Google Chrome user, are you using the Chrome Extensions, if not you should as it can help you work more efficiently, with tens of thousands of Chrome Extensions to choose from, it makes it hard to find the essentials that you would need to use to improve working with Chrome.

Depending on what you using Chrome for, I have put a list of extensions together that is based on the average users need to help you in your day a to day activities.

Saving images, articles

I’m not sure about you, I love to bookmark story into my Flipboard magazine, or a picture into my Pinterest account or content into my Evernote account. You can get the extensions from here – Pinterest, Flipboard, and Evernote.

Two Browsers For The Price Of One

The IE Tab Chrome Extension adds a second URL bar to your Chrome browser that you can use to browse the web as if you are using Internet Explorer.

Make your grammar be good

Grammarly is spell check on steroids. No matter where you are composing text in Chrome, Grammarly will check it for grammar and spelling errors.

Text From Your Phone… From Your Laptop?

MightyText pulls in all your phone contacts and lets you receive and respond to text messages from a web interface. Install this Extension and you can leave your phone in your pocket for the day. Only available for Android

Save Time In Wikipedia

Wikipedia Quick Hints allows you to view Wikipedia definitions by hovering over the word so you never have to leave the page you are reading.

Let me know in the comments section if you use a Chrome Extension that you think should have made the list!
