Torbjorn Zetterlund

Mon 01 2014

Cycletrippin – Entering Denmark

by bernt & torsten

I have left Sweden behind, I took the Stena Line ferry to Frederikshavn – today I been cycling through parts of Jutland. Jutland (Danish: Jylland), historically also called Cimbria, is the name of the peninsula that juts out in Northern Europe toward the rest of Scandinavia, forming the mainland part of Denmark. You can find more information on Wikipedia about Jutland.

Had a bad night sleep in Gothenburg, a few of my roommates rolled in about 3 in the morning, I’m a light sleeper so I woke up when they came back to the room, it was a tough day on the bike, I’m now settled in at Hotel Simested Kro, in Aalestrup on Google maps.

I will be the only guest tonight, so I can definitely pick up some lost sleep, I just had an excellent dinner typically traditional danish kitchen meat and potatoes – the gravy was fantastic. I must have been really hungry.

I have not cycled alone today, at the Stena Line ferry station in Gothenburg, I have met Jan from Poland, he was heading in the same direction as me, so we cycled together most of the day, after passing Aalborg we split ways Jan is heading for the east side and me towards the west side of Jutland.

Jan has cycled from Poland via Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland to Nordkapp, down through Norway to Oslo and Gothenburg, he is on his way back home, his goal is to bike 10,000 km which he will after finishing his journey he has Denmark, Germany and back to Warsaw where he lives left to complete.

Jan is a software developer mostly Java, C++, he is into biking, we got along very well during our bike ride. For navigation I have been using an iPhone with Google Maps and Jan is using a Garmin Edge GPS, while I get at the most 3 hours out of the iPhone before it is dead, Jan gets 17 hours out of his Garmin Edge GPS. Maybe time to change, as my rides are anything between 6 to 12 hours in length and I need the iPhone for taking pictures and get the final 30 minutes of the day to navigate me to the place I will stay at.

We set off in a hard tempo, I think both of us were checking out each other’s capability, and after about an hour we settle into a tempo that we both were comfortable with. On Jan’s suggestion – he had programmed it into his Garmin Edge (he had done that several months ago, was not sure why anymore he wanted to stop at these places).

I thought Denmark was flat, turned out to be hilly at least today’s ride, the weather was not good it rained most of the day, the wind was from the northeast so that was good as we travelled in a south direction.

We visit the Voergaard CastleVoergaard’s recorded history goes back to 1481. Behind the wide moat and the meter-thick walls, you will find Denmark’s most beautiful renaissance castle with the scariest ghost stories and finest private art collection.

The next stop on our way was Lindholm Høje a major Viking burial site and former settlement situated to the north of and overlooking the city of Aalborg in Denmark.

Here is the route I biked today part of it with Jan.

Not much photography today, the weather was rainy, a few photos was taken.
