Torbjorn Zetterlund

Thu 24 2016

Are email reaching the end of it’s lifespan

by bernt & torsten

NO emails are not reaching the end of its lifespan, according to Radicati – in 2015 it’s estimated that 205 billion emails were sent a day.

Radicati is expecting the email to increase over the next few years, regardless of that some people have grown tired of emails, especially the younger generations as they find it an old tiresome way to communicate.

The common thread amongst younger people is that they want to talk to each other in a more free way, email is found to be too formal, even five years ago, when the Messenger was launched.


Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg declared the death of email. That has not happened, the number of registered email accounts continues to grow.

But the statistics also show that the younger generations start rejecting email and skip to faster and more fluid communication services, where messages can easily be peppered with emoji, gifs, and video. The way to communicate online has become more expressive and expressive. Much like talking to faces and gestures, but in writing.

Younger Generations

The problem seems to be that the younger generations are not able to communicate with proper sentences and grammar and that new short phrases language is evolving outside of traditional grammar.

Maybe there is something in it that emails will eventually die, as people want to talk – none of the services available today will replace a face to face conversation. Even if some of them showed some promises.

  • Facebook Messenger has grown rapidly, I use it and like it – I’m old school so I still write full sentences with punctuation at the end of the sentence.
  • Slack is another service that is growing, Slack helps work teams to discuss smoothly in a feed, rather than over email.

The problem with these services that I see from a mature person perspective, is that with the email you send and then you check if you got a response. With Slack or Messenger, you need to be there having it open and check constantly so you can participate in the conversation. I think that is not healthy behavior that constantly checking, your mind needs to be taken offline to recharge, like a mobile device.

Email is still the way to go.

Email History

History of the email, yes it’s old. Exactly when email was invented is difficult to say because it developed in stages to what we use today. But here are five key milestones.

  1. Mainframes in the 1960s were used by many different users, which acceded to the computer via “dumb terminals”. The terminals had no storage. To communicate with other users of large computer systems were invented to leave files with text in a place where another user would then be able to find the message. Much like adding a note on your colleague’s desk. The first emails could not be sent anywhere else but worked only on a single mainframe computer.
  2. Arpanet – The first working computer network Arpanet (Internet’s predecessor) was developed by the US Defense branch DARPA became possible to send messages between computers. The first message was sent in 1971 between two computers, which stood side by side.
  3. @ symbol
    When messages(emails) could be sent between computers on a network, the need for an addressing system arose, which could ensure that e-mails reached the right computer on the network. Consultant Ray Tomlinson, who worked on the Arpanet, chose the @ symbol in 1972, from the computer keyboard to select the computer to which a message would be. All according to the method “userX @ computerY”. One of Tomlinson’s colleagues called solution for a “nice hack”.
    A few years later, it is said that 75 percent of the traffic on the Arpanet consisted of emails.
  4.  Email between networks – In the 1980s the use of emails expanded by sending emails to more different data networks such as BITNET, DECnet, and UUCPNET, alongside the Arpanet. This development defined methods on how to send messages between networks, even though they used different basic technology to send an email.
  5. The first webmail feature was developed at CERN in 1993, the webmail was developed in several parts to be able to send and receive emails directly in a browser. The Hotmail service was founded in 1996 in California and soon became one of the most popular email services in the world. Hotmail, which later was acquired by Microsoft, together with AOL and Yahoo contributed to making the “common people” using emails to communicate in the late 1990s.

5 hot alternative to e-mail

Many companies and organizations now work actively to reduce their email usage and thus be more effective. Here is some popular tools for effective communication at work.

  1. Slack – One of the hottest start-up companies in Silicon Valley in recent years, has rapidly gained millions of users worldwide with their communication platform for companies and workgroups. The basic idea of ​​Slack is to be a better and more modern means of communication than email. Free for small teams.
  2. Telegram – Message Service that focuses on speed and Information. Telegram is popular with companies that attach importance to their communication is encrypted and secure. Free.
  3. Yammer – Yammer was described when it was launched as a Facebook for the enterprise. Today the company is owned by Microsoft and offered free in its basic version.
  4. Basecamp – Project management system Basecamp is popular among large and small organizations worldwide. With Basecamp, you can share files, schedules and discuss projects so that all colleagues can access the information. Subscription services that cost a couple hundred a month for smaller teams.
  5. Trello – A cloud-based system to collaborate on projects. The functionality of Trello is about the same as the Base Camp. Free in the basic version.
