Torbjorn Zetterlund

Mon 26 2023

Dancing on my own as an introvert

by bernt & torsten

Today’s corporate culture is having a significant impact on a significant portion of the workforce. It took me forty years to realize how my role as an introvert influenced my professional life.

When nearly one-third of the population is at risk of experiencing fatigue-related issues due to their personality type, it becomes more than just educating people about what it means to be introverted.

It becomes an issue within the work environment, directly linked to the most prevalent health problems of our time. While workplaces strive to respect different sexual identities and prioritize gender equality, this particular group remains invisible and lacks recognition.

Thankfully, research is now starting to shed light on this problem. For example, a 2018 study examined the work situations of 860 nurses in China, revealing that introverted individuals faced a higher risk of burnout. Similarly, a 2004 study among teachers showed similar associations.

The fundamental distinction between introverts and extroverts lies in where they derive their energy. Introverts draw energy from within, while extroverts gain energy from social interactions. This difference results in contrasting energy budgets, where what drains one group replenishes the other.

This divergence is evident in recurring information meetings, which often have a low information density and consist of extensive discussions. Extroverts thrive in such environments, gaining energy, while introverts feel drained and require substantial recovery time.

For introverts, maintaining individuality is crucial for producing quality work. At one point, my boss and several colleagues suggested implementing a collaborative and open-discussion approach. However, resisting this in an extroverted-dominated environment was seen as a direct service failure. To prioritize my health and well-being, I had to decline the proposal.

Another extroverted solution often seen is lengthy workshops involving writing proposal drafts and engaging in extensive discussions. Introverts prefer focusing on the fundamental questions and core solutions rather than getting caught up in excessive wordiness.

Scientific studies confirm that open office landscapes can cause stress. However, the boundaries of what is deemed acceptable are typically set by extroverts. I recall a time when my team was informed that we would relocate to the central area of the office landscape. As my head shook and my stomach clenched, my manager suggested a solution: “Get headphones!” I wanted to respond by saying, “You know, I might as well set up my laptop on a platform in the busiest hour at the central train station.”

Unfortunately, such responses are not encouraged, as many colleagues and managers hold the belief that successful and skilled employees are those who are outgoing, communicative, and constantly available.

In the IT world, the tradition is to divide tasks into smaller parts so that multiple individuals can work on the same project. However, for introverts, this often means that their crucial needs for creativity and continuity are compromised, turning them into replaceable components.

Protests against these dynamics are rarely addressed by what I refer to as “Introphobes” – managers who become frustrated with the perceived passivity of introverts and force them into outward-facing solutions.

One-third of the population is at risk of being negatively impacted by the prevailing extroverted corporate culture. They find themselves in work situations where they have little opportunity to influence the risk of burnout and sick leave. Moreover, they face discrimination from those who misunderstand or resent introverts.

We must dare to hire and support individuals who strive to achieve their fullest potential and develop their unique talents. Currently, they face challenges and are often overlooked or subjected to constant energy shortages. Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple Computer, once said, “You have the best conditions to develop revolutionary products and technologies if you work on your own, not in groups, not in teams.”

Working in teams, as I have for more than ten years, can be a truly fantastic experience. The most amazing moments arise when all personality types are accepted and embraced, allowing for a harmonious unity that leverages the power of our differences.

Organizations need to recognize the diverse needs and strengths of their employees, including introverts. By creating an inclusive work environment that values individuality and provides accommodations, companies can unlock the full potential of every team member.

One crucial step is to offer flexible work arrangements that cater to introverts’ preferences. Providing opportunities for focused, independent work, quiet spaces for reflection, and adjustable schedules can greatly enhance the productivity and well-being of introverted employees.

Additionally, fostering effective communication channels that allow introverts to express their ideas and thoughts comfortably is vital. Encouraging written communication platforms, providing ample reflection before discussions, and structuring meetings to ensure equal participation can create an environment where introverts can contribute their unique perspectives.

Leadership and management training should also incorporate a deeper understanding of introversion and its valuable contributions to the team. By raising awareness and promoting empathy, managers can create a supportive atmosphere that values diverse working styles and encourages collaboration.

Furthermore, it is crucial to challenge the prevailing notion that extroversion is synonymous with competence and success. By recognizing and rewarding the exceptional skills and qualities introverts bring, organizations can cultivate an environment that values both extroverted and introverted talents equally.

HR departments play a pivotal role in driving these changes. By revisiting recruitment processes, emphasizing diversity and inclusion, and implementing ongoing training programs, HR professionals can ensure that the needs of introverted employees are met and that their contributions are recognized and valued.

In conclusion, acknowledging the challenges faced by introverted individuals in the workplace and taking proactive steps to accommodate their needs is not only beneficial for their well-being but also for the overall success of the organization. By fostering an inclusive environment that values diverse working styles, organizations can harness the full potential of all employees and create a truly thriving corporate culture.
