Torbjorn Zetterlund

Mon 15 2023

[Company Name] AI Ethics Policy [Year] template

by bernt & torsten

I have put together a template for and AI Ethics Policy, with some suggestions for what to include in each section of what could be your AI policy:


Artificial intelligence (AI) is not a new technology. The first AI research projects were conducted in the 1950s. However, in recent years, AI has experienced a surge in popularity due to the development of large language models (LLMs).

LLMs are a type of AI trained on massive amounts of text data. This allows them to learn the patterns and connections between words and phrases and to generate new text that is similar in style to the text they were trained on.

LLMs are still under development, but they have the potential to revolutionize many industries and aspects of our lives. For example, LLMs can be used to develop new medical treatments, create more efficient and sustainable transportation systems, and improve access to education and other essential services.

However, it is essential to use AI and LLMs responsibly and ethically. AI systems can be biased and discriminatory and can be used to develop harmful technologies.

This policy establishes guidelines and best practices for using AI and LLMs within [Company Name]. It is designed to ensure that we use these technologies in a way that is aligned with our company’s values and meets our ethical and legal obligations.

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party individuals who have access to AI systems or are involved in using AI tools or platforms on behalf of our organization.

By following this policy, we can help to ensure that AI and LLMs are used to create a more positive and sustainable future for all.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI are rapidly evolving technologies with the potential to revolutionize many industries and aspects of our lives. However, it is essential to use these technologies responsibly and ethically.

This policy establishes guidelines and best practices for the use of AI and generative AI within [Company Name]. It is designed to ensure that we use these technologies in a way that is aligned with our company’s values and meets our ethical and legal obligations.

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party individuals who have access to AI systems or are involved in using AI tools or platforms on behalf of our organization.

By following this policy, we can help to ensure that AI and generative AI are used to create a more positive and sustainable future for all.

  • This policy aims to establish guidelines and best practices for the responsible and ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI within [Company Name].
  • AI is rapidly evolving, and its use in business is becoming increasingly widespread. It is essential to have a clear policy in place to ensure that AI is used in a way that is aligned with our company’s values and meets our ethical and legal obligations.
  • This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party individuals who have access to AI systems or are involved in using AI tools or platforms on behalf of our organization.

Organisations Values & AI:

  • [Company Name] is committed to [list of core values]. Our use of AI must be aligned with these values.
  • For example, we will use AI to support our work internally as a guiding tool for our employees. We will not use AI in a way that could harm the company or violate human rights.

Principles, Ethical, and Legal Considerations:

  • The following principles will guide our use of AI:
    • Transparency: We will be transparent about how we use AI and the data we use to train AI systems.
    • Accountability: We will be accountable for the outcomes of our AI systems.
    • Fairness: We will strive to ensure that our AI systems are fair and unbiased.
    • Privacy: We will protect the confidentiality of the data we use to train and operate AI systems.
    • Security: We will secure our AI systems from cyberattacks and other threats.
  • We will also comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to the use of AI.

Tool Evaluation & Usage Guidelines:

  • When evaluating AI tools, we will consider the following factors:
    • Alignment with our values and principles
    • Technical capabilities
    • Security and privacy features
    • Vendor reputation
  • Once we have selected an AI tool, we will provide employees with clear guidance on how to use it responsibly and ethically. This guidance should include information on the tool’s capabilities, limitations, and potential biases.

Data Privacy & Security:

  • We will protect the privacy and security of all data that we use to train and operate AI systems.
  • We will only collect and use data that is necessary for the intended purpose of the AI system.
  • We will implement appropriate security measures to protect the data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction.

Training & Awareness:

  • We will provide ongoing training and awareness to employees about AI technologies.
  • This training should cover the following topics:
    • The basics of AI
    • The potential benefits and risks of AI
    • Our company’s AI policy and guidelines
    • How to use AI tools responsibly and ethically


  • Appendix A:
    • Trends:
      Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly used for various tasks, including text generation, translation, and code writing.
      The development of new AI-powered tools for creative and artistic tasks, such as music composition and image generation.
      The growing adoption of AI in the enterprise, with businesses using AI to improve efficiency, automate tasks, and make better decisions.
      The increasing use of AI in government and public services, with applications such as fraud detection, crime prevention, and disaster relief.
    • Opportunities:
      AI and generative AI have the potential to revolutionize many industries and aspects of our lives.
      For example, AI can be used to develop new medical treatments, create more efficient and sustainable transportation systems, and improve access to education and other essential services.
      Generative AI can be used to create new forms of art and entertainment and to develop new products and services that meet the needs of our changing world.
    • Threats:
      AI also poses some potential threats, such as:
      • Job displacement, as AI automates more and more tasks.
      • Bias and discrimination if AI systems are not designed and used carefully.
      • Weaponization, if AI is used to develop autonomous weapons or other harmful technologies.
    • Impact on the tools we use:
      The trends and opportunities listed above will likely significantly impact the AI tools we use in the future. For example, we can expect to see more and more AI tools powered by LLMs. We can also expect more AI tools for creative and artistic tasks.
      Additionally, we can expect AI tools that are more integrated into our everyday lives at work and home.
      It is essential to be aware of both the opportunities and threats posed by AI and generative AI to develop and use these technologies responsibly and ethically.
  • Appendix B: Major Tools Encountered: This appendix should list and explain significant tools we’re currently using or likely to encounter in the future.
  • Appendix C: Acceptable Use: This appendix should outline the acceptable use practices to guide responsible and compliant utilization of AI technologies.

Please note that this is just a template, and you may need to modify it to fit the specific needs of your organization. It is also important to consult with legal counsel to ensure that your policy is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.
