Torbjorn Zetterlund

Mon 03 2008

Choose organic, choose local, choose fair trade

by bernt & torsten

Try to incorporate as much organic food as possible in your holiday meal. Organic food is GE-free and grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. There are a number of third-party certifiers in Canada that certify products as organic. Look for certified organic food at the grocery store, at your local co-op, and at farmer’s markets. There are also increasing numbers of organic home delivery services.

While organic food is almost always the best choice, you should also consider where and by whom it was produced. Locally grown food is easier to trace to small, responsible producers. And, since it doesn’t need to be transported as far, it cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions.

One great option for fresh food year-round is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) which allows you to pre-buy – in essence, invest – in a farmer’s annual crop. The dividends: farm-fresh food, as soon as it’s ripe. To find a local CSA, search the Internet or ask at your local food co-op.

For fun, try to prepare a holiday meal out of ingredients from within a hundred miles of your home.

For information on where to buy organic food, visit the Canadian Organic Growers or check out the Eat Well Guide.

Whenever possible, opt for fair trade certified food products. Commonly certified products include coffee, tea, and chocolate.
