Torbjorn Zetterlund

Sat 03 2014

Amsterdam to Dordrecht – 100 Km

by bernt & torsten

Went on a workout, the wind was blowing towards Dordrecht, so I jumped on my bike and took off. On today’s bike ride I tested my body for how much nutrition I need for a plus 4 hours ride. Took in a large pot of oatmeal porridge 30 minutes before the ride, and only ate a few biscuits throughout the ride, I drank water and coconut water.

I used mapmyride app on an Apple iPhone 3 – run out of battery time before finishing the ride at Dordrecht Station. The funny thing was that because the mapmyride app had not finished, when I got back home and charge the phone, the app added automatically the distance from my last position to home, not very good. It should be an option, where I could edit out parts of the route.

On the ride near Alblasserdam, I came across a field of windmills. The ride was great, a bit on the chilly side, did not feel any tiredness on completion, took the train back to Amsterdam.
