Torbjorn Zetterlund

Wed 30 2011

34 Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site

by bernt & torsten

Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site

  • Minimize HTTP Requests
  • Use a Content Delivery Network
  • Add an Expires or a Cache-Control Header
  • Gzip Components
  • Put Stylesheets at the Top
  • Put Scripts at the Bottom
  • Avoid CSS Expressions
  • Make JavaScript and CSS External
  • Reduce DNS Lookups
  • Minify JavaScript and CSS
  • Avoid Redirects
  • Remove Duplicate Scripts
  • Configure ETags
  • Make Ajax Cacheable
  • Flush the Buffer Early
  • Use GET for AJAX Requests
  • Post-load Components
  • Preload Components
  • Reduce the Number of DOM Elements
  • Split Components Across Domains
  • Minimize the Number of iframes
  • No 404s
  • Reduce Cookie Size
  • Use Cookie-free Domains for Components
  • Minimize DOM Access
  • Develop Smart Event Handlers
  • Choose <link> over @import
  • Avoid Filters
  • Optimize Images
  • Optimize CSS Sprites
  • Don’t Scale Images in HTML
  • Make favicon.ico Small and Cacheable
  • Keep Components under 25K
  • Pack Components into a Multipart Document
