Tag: PHP

  • How to configure .htaccess redirects based on Geo IP

    How to configure .htaccess redirects based on Geo IP

    Recently I had a request, asking how can we set up redirects by country to have country-specific landing pages. This can be done by installing mod_geoip, you can download GeoIP legacy Apache module from GITHUB – compile the source on your environment and configure. Or you could install from a repository.

  • Add extra layer of security by hiding PHP

    Add extra layer of security by hiding PHP

    Why would you want to hide PHP? It is a form of security if you running a popular web platform such as WordPress, Joomla or Drupal. You might want to hide the PHP as a form of security by obscurity which is a little bit of extra security to your server.

  • How to monitor you replicated MySql database

    How to monitor you replicated MySql database

    You have finished setting up your MySQL replication, next you need to periodically monitor your replication to ensure that MySql replication continues to work seamlessly. You can monitor the MySql replication with some basic commands, I have summarized them below.

  • What you need to know about WordPress Multi Site

    What you need to know about WordPress Multi Site

    A WordPress MultiSite is served by one code base, each site within the MultiSite uses the same database, the tables are numbered by the site which allows the separation of a site if you need to remove tables.  The user tables are still shared.

  • How to setup a MySql replication database for WordPress

    How to setup a MySql replication database for WordPress

    WordPress uses MySql database to store all the plugin options, theme options, your pages, your posts, users and comments, with more visitors your site need to be able to scale or in my case, I had user spikes (increased traffic) that took out the connection to MySql, as memory on the server was used up.…

  • Basic Python RESTful Server bridging PHP with Python

    Basic Python RESTful Server bridging PHP with Python

    I run into an issue recently, I got a use case to connect to the Luminoso service using their API, Luminoso has an Authentication library in Python, my backend server is written in PHP.

  • Chrome Extensions that I use for Web Development

    Chrome Extensions that I use for Web Development

    Lately, I been working on an application to track news, my focus has been to code the function of reading RSS feeds, parse the feed’s data into the database and then building a view to display the new news items. For this, I have been working with PHP in the backend and Javascript/JQuery on the…

  • How to run PHP with Python using a RESTful API

    How to run PHP with Python using a RESTful API

    During development, I set up a virtual environment, here is how I did that. virtualenv If you are on Mac OS X or Linux, chances are that one of the following two commands will work for you: $ sudo easy_install virtualenvor even better: $ sudo pip install virtualenv

  • Recover root Password for MySQL

    You can recover MySQL database server password with following five easy steps.