Torbjorn Zetterlund: a blog about data and technology.

  • #Throwback tales: How I built efficient work teams

    #Throwback tales: How I built efficient work teams

    Building highly efficient teams is crucial for the success of any organization, regardless of the industry or department. I have gained valuable insights into creating effective teams in various environments, ranging from development shops to marketing departments.

  • I rather am a generalist than a specialists

    I rather am a generalist than a specialists

    The one crucial traits that set great innovators apart from the rest, is their extensive knowledge across various subjects. This diverse knowledge base serves as a foundation for their creativity and fuels their ability to excel.

  • Embracing the Winds of Change – Unleashing the Spirit of Innovation

    Embracing the Winds of Change – Unleashing the Spirit of Innovation

    In a world where education shapes the minds of future leaders, a pressing concern looms: Are we inadvertently stifling innovation and flexibility in our pursuit of academic excellence? From politicians to business CEOs and tech experts, a growing sentiment suggests that the longer one remains within the confines of formal education, the more one becomes…

  • Exploring the Depths of Ethical Hacking

    Exploring the Depths of Ethical Hacking

    In this article, we delve into the concept of ethical hacking, based on prevailing understandings within the industry. We will examine the distinction between hacking and ethical hacking, the role of hacktivism in campaigning, the significance of ethical web scraping, and the importance of respecting intellectual property rights. Additionally, we will address the traits and…

  • #Throwback tales: How I got started in software development

    #Throwback tales: How I got started in software development

    I grew up in the 1970s in Vendelsömalm located south of Stockholm, by car 30 minutes to Stockholm. I lived on Götabergsvägen in a large house in a quiet middle-class neighbourhood, our neighbours were small business owners, the school principal, and people with jobs generally classified as middle class. Almost every home had 2 or more…

  • Corporate Policies and the Role of External Applications in IT Operations and DevOps

    Corporate Policies and the Role of External Applications in IT Operations and DevOps

    In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and business, organizations are constantly seeking ways to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and foster innovation. As part of this pursuit, corporate policies often come into play, shaping the tools and technologies used within the organization.

  • Dancing on my own as an introvert

    Dancing on my own as an introvert

    Today’s corporate culture is having a significant impact on a significant portion of the workforce. It took me forty years to realize how my role as an introvert influenced my professional life.

  • Ethical web scraping what is it

    Ethical web scraping what is it

    Web scraping has gained significant attention in recent years due to its wide range of applications. It has become a popular method for creating datasets in various data projects. However, it’s essential to differentiate between ethical web scraping and web scraping done with the intention of making money.

  • Exploring Cybersecurity: Tools and Techniques for Ethical Hacking

    Exploring Cybersecurity: Tools and Techniques for Ethical Hacking

    When it comes to cybersecurity, there are numerous roles and specializations available. It’s beneficial to immerse yourself in cyber content to determine your area of interest. This can include podcasts, books, YouTube videos, or online training courses.

  • Unleashing the Power of Procrastination

    Unleashing the Power of Procrastination

    How Delayed Action Fuels Creativity. Throughout my career, spanning over a decade as an author, I have discovered a peculiar working method that has consistently yielded remarkable results. It revolves around a seemingly counterintuitive approach – waiting until the last possible moment before diving into work. I have often felt a sense of guilt, perceiving…