Category: Technology

  • How to recover users Google Drive files

    How to recover users Google Drive files

    How to recover users Google Drive files – Being able to recover files that are accidentally deleted from Google Drive could make a Google Drive user’s day. Recovering a file will also be helpful in the event that you need to look for a file that has been deleted.

  • Convert a IPython Notebook into a Python file via command line

    Convert a IPython Notebook into a Python file via command line

    There are several ways to convert, start a notebook with –script flag will save .py file alongside .ipynb on every save. You can also (as ipynb is JSON), load it, loop through it and eval code cell in the current namespace. If you don’t want to output a Python script every time you save, or…

  • How to run PHP with Python using a RESTful API

    How to run PHP with Python using a RESTful API

    During development, I set up a virtual environment, here is how I did that. virtualenv If you are on Mac OS X or Linux, chances are that one of the following two commands will work for you: $ sudo easy_install virtualenvor even better: $ sudo pip install virtualenv

  • Save Attachments in Gmail to your Google Drive

    Save Attachments in Gmail to your Google Drive

    A new Gmail update will let you view and save attachments directly to Google Drive from within your message. Open a Gmail message with attachments, you will see the attachments as visible previews at the bottom of a message instead of just seeing a list of files with the option to click “preview” (which opens…

  • Lookup what a web service is built with

    Here is a great service that will tell you what technology a website is built off, this can be useful when you provision a new cloud service and the provider is not giving you all the answers that you asking. BuiltWith Technology Lookup.

  • How to structure your IT team for the Cloud

    Moving to the cloud requires new skills inside of an organization, the IT team of an organization of the future will focus more on consulting and guiding the business in technology decisions than on building or even running IT. The new reality — the need for speed plus a tech-savvy workforce, IT services is becoming shared responsibility between the…

  • What you need to know about cloud services

    Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). The name comes from the use of a cloud-shaped symbol as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it contains in system diagrams. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user’s data, software, and computation.

  • Underestimating cloud sprawl – tips to avoid cloud failure

    The cloud has matured and is now a great proposition for any type of business to take advantage of. Cloud computing has the potential to offer organizations dramatic operational efficiency and cost savings, but when improperly managed it can have disastrous results. Planning to move to the cloud, first learn about some common mistakes others have…

  • Do the business own the source code

    When starting a new software development effort, the ownership of the intellectual property rights to custom software needs to be discussed in advance. As every invention or discovery, the design and the source code of a product are entitled to protection by law. Only the holder of the legal entitlements may exercise exclusive rights, if…

  • Infograph – How Fast Do Websites Really Load for Mobile Users?

    For Strangeloop’s 2012 State of Mobile Ecommerce Performance report, they tested 200 leading retail websites and asked the question: how do top sites perform for mobile users over cellular connections? Among other things, they found that the median web page takes more than 11 seconds to load for both Android and iPhone, the Samsung Galaxy…