Category: Web Development

  • jqPagination – User-Friendly jQuery Pagination Plugin

    jqPagination is a jQuery plugin for quickly creating a JavaScript-controlled pagination interface and functionality. The plugin is controlled with the special class names and attributes of HTML elements (for defining the prev, next buttons or setting the max pages). It has a pretty unique, simple-yet-functional feature which is the ability to clicking on the pagination item and setting the page to…

  • Countdown.js – Calculate The Timespan Between 2 Dates

    Countdown.js  is a JavaScript library for calculating and displaying the  timespan between two dates. The library  calculates the value continuously considering “the time goes on” and keeps generating an accurate output. It can provide the timespan in many formats like milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and even millennias. There are  methods for displaying it…

  • Socket.IO – make realtime apps possible in every browser and mobile device

      Socket.IO  brings WebSockets real-time communications to every browser whether they support it or not. It has several transport methods like WebSockets, Adobe ® Flash ® Socket or JSONP Polling and the best method for the client’s browser is selected automatically.

  • Linux commands you need to know

    pwd Print working directory, i.e., display the name of my current directory on the screen. hostname Print the name of the local host (the machine on which I am working). Use netconf (as root) to change the name of the machine. whoami Print my login username Print user id (uid) and his/her group id (gid), effective…

  • 20 Linux Server Security Tips

    Securing your Linux server is important to protect your data, intellectual property, and time, from the hands of hackers. The system administrator is responsible for the security Linux box. In this first part of a Linux server security series, I will provide 20 hardening tips for the default installation of Linux system. #1: Encrypt Data…

  • MySql Store Procedure (Routine) to break a date range into a record per day for reporting

    Problem! Project resource assignments are tracked in an Excel Spreadsheet, the following data as outlined in the table below is tracked.

  • Excel Workbook Size Blow-out and Phantom Links

    Unfortunately, it is not too uncommon to have an Excel Workbook increase in file size for no apparent reason. Below are some methods to overcome this problem, that should be performed in the order stated! Please note OzGrid accepts no responsibility for any loss of data. This means to save a copy of your Workbook…

  • How to use Linux Command Line History

    When you are using Linux command line frequently, using the history effectively can be a major productivity boost. 1. Display timestamp using HISTTIMEFORMAT Typically when you type history from command line, it displays the command# and the command. For auditing purpose, it may be beneficial to display the timepstamp along with the command as shown…

  • How to get found on the Internet

    How to get found on the Internet

    The Internet has changed the way people learn and shop for products. With the Internet, the discipline of marketing has changed. Before the Internet, companies reached their consumers through trade shows, print advertising, and other traditional marketing methods.

  • 8 Tips for Success with Scope Management

    8 Tips for Success with Scope Management

    The path to building great software goes through scope management and to define the project requirements. As a software professional, you know all too well that software development isn’t easy. A software product is never completed.