Category: Web Development

  • How to use WordPress MultiSite feature

    Have you heard about the WordPress Multisite feature — WordPress lets a user launch several sites off their main site. It’s not something that most users may know about, but it’s worth getting the details to determine if it’s right for your site.

  • Transfer Your WordPress Content from WP to Another WP

    Transfer Your WordPress Content from WP to Another WP

    Sometimes you may need to transfer, or copy, the content of one WordPress blog to another. WordPress is equipped with a feature that allows for this to take place seamlessly and almost effortlessly – just another benefit of WordPress. Content can be the entire blog, posts only, pages only, or contact forms. The steps are essentially…

  • Time to use Logentries for your Log Management

    Time to use Logentries for your Log Management

    Did you know that your server logs a lot of information, what is a server log you ask! A server log is a log file (or several files) that is automatically created by your server, the server log consists of a list of activities that were performed on your server.

  • Use Case: How to connect your company blog using RSS, Buffer and IFTTT

    Use Case: How to connect your company blog using RSS, Buffer and IFTTT

    If you have a lot of social media profiles to update, you’ve likely figured out quite a few time-saving tips. Here’s one use case involving Buffer, Company Blog, and IFTTT.

  • Setting up CiviCRM with WordPress

    Setting up CiviCRM with WordPress

    If you are in the market for a good constituent Open Source CRM, I recommend CiviCRM. In this blog post, I will explain how to install CiviCRM for WordPress. Here are the steps that I followed to install CiviCRM for WordPress. Download WordPress and install it on your server Download CiviCRM for WordPress  Unzip the downloaded civicrm-4.5.2-wordpress zip…

  • Launching a WordPress Website – do not forget

    Launching a WordPress Website – do not forget

    You launched your WordPress-powered website. You carefully chose a theme, you have dug into the Settings menu inside the WordPress Dashboard make sure you did not overlook these settings.

  • Social media strategy – unpacked

    Social media strategy – unpacked

    The Social media strategy work that you need to undertake relies on a couple of building blocks. Depending on the size of your company, the content that you create must be shared in your industry more widely than content from heavyweights in your industry. This is key to building client trust in your company.

  • How to manually disable modules in Drupal 7

    How to manually disable modules in Drupal 7

    I run into an issue recently when I installed OpenCivic and supporting modules for Drupal 7, I got a screen that was telling me that there was a problem with a module, when I was accessing the site. I was not sure which module that I installed caused the issue, and I could not access the module…

  • Converting data from MySQL to MongoDB

    Converting data from MySQL to MongoDB

    There is no straight way of converting data from MySQL to MongoDB, but there are a few techniques that you can use.