Category: Just Me Talking

  • A Poem: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Romance

    A Poem: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Romance

    It started in Spangen’s house, wild teenagers we were, Amidst the chaos of a raucous party, you appeared from afar. I didn’t know your name or your story, but you seized my hand, Whispered softly, “I am yours,” with music playing, as our hearts began to band. Back to my parent’s house, we made our…

  • En Dikt: Krille, Min Grannes Bror

    En Dikt: Krille, Min Grannes Bror

    Krille, granne till min barndomstid,På Lisebergsvägen 34 och Götabergsvägen 6, så nära vi bodde sida vid sida.Vi växte upp i en era av mänsklighetens bästa slag,Julen firades tillsammans, när vi var unga, en glädjens dag. Senare på julafton, en tradition vi höll,Vi möttes upp, skapade minnen och vårt hjärta sjöng.Vi var inte så olika dagens…

  • Demystifying Cloud Data Management: Navigating Costs and Benefits

    Demystifying Cloud Data Management: Navigating Costs and Benefits

    As a seasoned veteran with a decade of experience harnessing the power of the cloud, I’ve traversed the ever-evolving landscape of cloud data management. Over these years, I’ve witnessed the transformative potential of cloud solutions, learning the nuances of what works and what doesn’t. The beauty of cloud services lies in the freedom to experiment,…

  • Tips To Help Keep Your Website Looking Polished Throughout

    Tips To Help Keep Your Website Looking Polished Throughout

    The key to success in business is attracting your target markets and keeping them there. If you have loyal customers in this world, you have ample opportunity to do something amazing. You must ensure that you are keeping things professional while having a level of relatability within your behavior. It sounds like something that could…

  • Embracing the Winds of Change – Unleashing the Spirit of Innovation

    Embracing the Winds of Change – Unleashing the Spirit of Innovation

    In a world where education shapes the minds of future leaders, a pressing concern looms: Are we inadvertently stifling innovation and flexibility in our pursuit of academic excellence? From politicians to business CEOs and tech experts, a growing sentiment suggests that the longer one remains within the confines of formal education, the more one becomes…

  • Unleashing the Power of Procrastination

    Unleashing the Power of Procrastination

    How Delayed Action Fuels Creativity. Throughout my career, spanning over a decade as an author, I have discovered a peculiar working method that has consistently yielded remarkable results. It revolves around a seemingly counterintuitive approach – waiting until the last possible moment before diving into work. I have often felt a sense of guilt, perceiving…

  • 60+ and still going strong as a software developer

    60+ and still going strong as a software developer

    You are never too old to do software development. If you feel like 40 is too old, you are wrong. A survey conducted by a leading tech publication found that the number of software developers aged 40 and above has been steadily increasing over the years. This indicates that more seasoned professionals choose to stay…

  • A Poem: Captivity Within the Window Frame

    A Poem: Captivity Within the Window Frame

    Beyond the window frame, a world does lie, In all its splendour, neath a cloudy sky, And there I sit, alone with my despair, Gazing out at all that’s fair. The trees sway gently in the breeze, As birds flit about with graceful ease, And all around, I see the play, Of light and shadow,…

  • A Poem: Social Injustice – An Illusion of Meritocracy

    A Poem: Social Injustice – An Illusion of Meritocracy

    Injustice runs deep in our society, A slippery force, brutal to see, But it’s there, strong and clear, Affecting lives far and near. Social heritage is what we call it, The background that defines our merit, But can we truly call it fair, When it determines our future and welfare? An underdog’s story we love…

  • Expanding the Horizons of LLMs with Retrieval Augmented Generation and Vector Indexing

    Expanding the Horizons of LLMs with Retrieval Augmented Generation and Vector Indexing

    Our previous explorations delved into the fascinating world of large language models (LLMs), uncovering their remarkable ability to process, understand, and generate human language. We also examined the various approaches to implementing LLMs, empowering you with the knowledge to harness their power in your applications. Now, we embark on a journey to explore Retrieval Augmented…