Category: Having fun

  • World without borders

    What does it mean to be Canadian when we come from everywhere? How do we forge a shared national purpose among people who have never shared anything before? The world is coming to Canada. More and more Canadians are global citizens, exploring the world or staying connected to our countries of origin more instantly, more…

  • Take a Houseboat Vacation

    A houseboat is a large RV that runs on water instead of the highway. You move in, set up housekeeping and use the houseboat to get around. A houseboat vacation is relaxing, with little to do all day but swim, cruise around exploring lakes, picnic on an island, read, play games or take a nap.…

  • Did you know about disposable cups

    More than 8 billion disposable cups are thrown out every year in Canada., according to Change The World For Ten Bucks: 50 Ways To Make A Difference. Buy a reusable mug for your coffee break.

  • Tips on how to use your car in a green society

    On-road vehicles contribute up to 35 percent of the emissions that are involved in smog formation and up to18.5 percent of Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Between 10 and 15 percent of Canada’s fleet are older, pre-1988, or poorly maintained vehicles that generate Reduce warm-up idling – start driving after no more than 30 seconds…

  • Allergies: Suffer the Sneezing Worker

    Ah May: the leaves are opening, flowers blooming, your eyes are a watery haze and your nose is running like a faucet. The allergy season is here! In its Spring edition, Allergic Living magazine looks at the hidden toll of spring allergies and finds a lot more than cases of the sniffles. In fact, there…

  • Choose Fair Trade Bananas

    There are bananas, and there are bananas. The banana market is controlled by five large corporations – Chiquita (25%), Dole (25%), Del Monte (15%), Noboa (11%) and Fyffes (8%).  When you shop at the supermarket, how often do you think about where the food you eat comes from or how it was grown? Supermarkets today…

  • Choose organic, choose local, choose fair trade

    Try to incorporate as much organic food as possible in your holiday meal. Organic food is GE-free and grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. There are a number of third-party certifiers in Canada that certify products as organic. Look for certified organic food at the grocery store, at your local co-op, and at farmer’s markets.…

  • The many uses of Vodka

    *14 things you can do with Vodka besides drink it. To remove a bandage painlessly, saturate the bandage with vodka. The solvent dissolves adhesive. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew. To clean your eyeglasses, simply wipe the lenses with a soft, clean cloth dampened with vodka. The alcohol in the vodka cleans the…

  • 4 simple tips to save money at home and help the environment

    Here are 4 tips to save money and reduce climate change. These are simple changes for your home to save money and live environmental friendly: Avoid standby-mode, can save up to 70 dollars/year. A TV, Computer or other electronics with standby mode, can consume 50% of power consumption. To switch off the TV completely, you…

  • Friday on the Subway

    I got up this morning feeling very joyful, it was Friday, casual day at work, so this is the day of the week I like to stand out by going in my business clothes. On the subway down to my office, I looked around the subway car and I noticed that the majority of the…