Author: Torbjorn Zetterlund

  • The Human Cost of the Digital Revolution

    The Human Cost of the Digital Revolution

    The digital revolution has brought about countless benefits to society, from increased access to information and communication to the development of new technologies that make our lives easier and more efficient. However, as with any revolution, there are also costs to be paid. One of the most significant costs of the digital revolution is the…

  • How to setup Appsmith on Google Cloud Run

    How to setup Appsmith on Google Cloud Run

    If you are looking for a low-code internal tool, Appsmith is a great open-source tool that creates beautifully designed UI apps on your internal data. Appsmith is open-source, so you can download it and deploy it to your environment.

  • A Poem: The Rise of AI and the Future of Social Justice

    A Poem: The Rise of AI and the Future of Social Justice

    But as AI advances, it learns to mimic, To imitate the very things we thought unique, The human touch, the warmth, the soul, Soon replaced by algorithms, we’ll be left feeling cold. As we stare into the future, we see our jobs disappear, Replaced by machines, with efficiency and no fear, Our skills and knowledge…

  • How to code dynamic menus using CodeIgniter?

    How to code dynamic menus using CodeIgniter?

    I recently worked on a project in which we initially hardcoded the menus in the index.php, as the menu options started to increase I decided it was time to make the menus dynamic. What do I mean by dynamic, in my view dynamic menus allow any admin to build up a menu tree.

  • Teknik för avlägsna anställdas övervakning

    Teknik för avlägsna anställdas övervakning

    Arbetskraftsanalys, produktivitetsspårning, programvara för medarbetares övervakning: Vad du än vill kalla det är arbetarövervakningstekniken trender, vägen upp. Pre-pandemisk, bara tre av tio företag med 1 000+ arbetare använde teknik för att mäta anställdas produktivitet, men i slutet av 2021 rapporterade sex av 10 att göra det, enligt en Gartner-undersökning. Och från och med augusti 2022…

  • How To Carry Out Market Research On International Customers

    How To Carry Out Market Research On International Customers

    Are you thinking about expanding into a foreign market? If so, you’ll need to do research on the international market, which can be done in many ways. Thorough market research might mean the difference between success and failure, especially when introducing a product to a foreign market, so keep reading to find out what you…

  • Tips for Hosting an International Business Event

    Tips for Hosting an International Business Event

    If you’re thinking of hosting an international business event, you’ll need to consider a few things. In this blog post, we’ll give you a few tips on how to make sure your event is a success.

  • 5 Areas of Your Business You Should Prioritize at All Times

    5 Areas of Your Business You Should Prioritize at All Times

    Running a business is no easy task. There are so many things to think about and so many areas that need attention. That’s why it’s important to prioritize the most important areas of your business at all times. This blog post will discuss five areas of your business that you should always focus on. By…

  • #simpleai Machine-Learning-Systeme sind problematisch

    #simpleai Machine-Learning-Systeme sind problematisch

    Einer der nützlichsten Texte für jeden, der sich mit der Technologiebranche befasst, ist George Orwells berühmter Essay Politik und die englische Sprache. Orwells Fokus in dem Essay lag auf dem politischen Gebrauch von Sprache, um, wie er es ausdrückte, “Lügen wahrhaftig und Mord respektabel klingen zu lassen und dem reinen Wind einen Anschein von Solidität…

  • #simpleai Machine learning-systemen zijn problematisch

    #simpleai Machine learning-systemen zijn problematisch

    Een van de nuttigste teksten voor iedereen die de technische industrie behandelt, is het beroemde essay van George Orwell, Politics and the English Language. Orwells focus in het essay lag op het politieke taalgebruik om, zoals hij het uitdrukte, “leugens waarheidsgetrouw te laten klinken en moord respectabel te maken, en een schijn van stevigheid te…