Author: Torbjorn Zetterlund

  • En dikt: Planeten Jorden

    Åh Jorden, universums pärla, så rik och så rättvis, Med hav djupa och himmel så blå och landskap bortom jämförelse. En gobeläng av färger, vävd av naturens konstfulla hand, En fristad för alla varelser, en plats där livet kan stå. Från de höga bergstopparna, till de böljande gröna sluttningarna, Från den brännande ökensanden, till de…

  • Ein Gedicht: Planet Erde

    Oh Erde, das Juwel des Universums, so reich und so schön, Mit Ozeanen tief und Himmel so blau und Landschaften unvergleichlich. Ein Teppich aus Farben, gewebt von der kunstvollen Hand der Natur, Ein Zufluchtsort für alle Kreaturen, ein Ort, an dem das Leben stehen kann. Von den hoch aufragenden Berggipfeln bis zu den sanften grünen…

  • Een gedicht: Planet Earth

    Oh Aarde, de parel van het universum, zo rijk en zo eerlijk, met oceanen diep en luchten zo blauw, en landschappen die niet te vergelijken zijn. Een tapijt van kleuren, geweven door de kunstzinnige hand van de natuur, een toevluchtsoord voor alle wezens, een plek waar het leven kan staan. Van de torenhoge bergtoppen, tot…

  • Et digt: Planeten Jorden

    Åh jord, universets perle, så rig og så retfærdig, med oceaner dybe og himmel så blå og landskaber uden sammenligning. Et tæppe af farver, vævet af naturens kunstfærdige hånd, Et fristed for alle skabninger, et sted hvor livet kan stå. Fra de tårnhøje bjergtoppe, til de bølgende grønne bjergskråninger, fra det brændende ørkensand, til de…

  • A Poem: About justice, equity, diversity and inclusion

    A Poem: About justice, equity, diversity and inclusion

    What was the talk about JEDI in the organization, Where inclusion and diversity was such an important piece? An old man near retirement, with a twinkle in his eye, Recalled the days of yore when he was young and spry. “The JEDI were a team of brave and noble knights,” he said, “Who fought for…

  • A Poem: The Degradation of Planet Earth in my Lifetime

    A Poem: The Degradation of Planet Earth in my Lifetime

    1957, the year I was born, Nature flourished, but humankind’s footprint began to grow. Environmental awareness was not on the agenda, Industrial development led to a grayer future. In the 60s, people began to talk about the environment, Conservation and preservation became a human right. But many ignored the warning voice, And continued to destroy,…

  • Mastering Modern Code: An Old Programmer’s Guide to Updating Skills

    Mastering Modern Code: An Old Programmer’s Guide to Updating Skills

    I got back into developing software solutions about 10 years ago at age 55, as I saw an opportunity to contribute to a few internal applications idea I had. I have spent my days in project management, and management in the software industry since the early 1990s and during these years did not write any…

  • Breaking Barriers: Unleashing the Power of Innovation in the Corporate World

    Breaking Barriers: Unleashing the Power of Innovation in the Corporate World

    In today’s fast-paced and constantly changing business landscape, innovation is a key driver of success. However, for many organizations, the corporate culture and processes can act as barriers to innovation. This can result in a lack of new ideas, missed opportunities, and slow progress. To unleash the power of innovation, companies must break down these…

  • Mastering the Art of Adaptation: Thriving in a Rapidly Changing Tech Landscape

    Mastering the Art of Adaptation: Thriving in a Rapidly Changing Tech Landscape

    The world of technology is constantly evolving and the rate of change is only getting faster. Keeping up with the latest developments in software development is essential for staying ahead of the curve. The key to thriving in this rapidly changing landscape is mastering the art of adaptation.

  • How to – Deploy a flask app with Firestore to Cloud Run

    How to – Deploy a flask app with Firestore to Cloud Run

    Flask is a popular microweb framework for Python and Cloud Run is a fully managed platform for deploying containerized applications. By combining these two technologies, developers can easily create and deploy web applications that can scale to handle a large number of users. In this article, we will explain how to deploy a Flask app…